AREAC Featured in the Brooklyn College Magazine

Brooklyn College Magazine (Spring 2009) has a feature article, “Fish and Other Aquatic Life Forms,” about AREAC, and mentions Jennifer Basil, Brett Branco, Rob Dickie, John Marra and Martin Schreibman.

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John Marra quoted in Conservation Magazine

Sarah Simpson quotes John Marra in a cover story article, “Taming the Blue Frontier,” in Conservation Magazine 10.2 (April–May 2009), about the prospects for mariculture.

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Professor Marra Profiled by CUNY Research Foundation

John Marra is profiled in the CUNY Research Foundation 2008 Annual Report.

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Professor Marra Quoted in Scientific American

John Marra is quoted in an article that appeared in the March 2008 issue of Scientific American entitled “The Bluefin in Peril,” by Richard Ellis.

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Charles Thompson