We have reached the halfway point of our 90-Day Facilities Challenge. Here are some highlights:

  • Over 97% of the bathroom fixture issues have been resolved. There are 15 pending items out of the initial 529 that were identified.
  • Almost 87% of general bathroom issues have been resolved. There are 30 pending items out of the initial 228 that were identified
  • We are beginning to pilot “BC Fix-it” which will be our new tracking system for bathroom fixture work requests. You probably have seen the BC Fix-it tags in the restrooms you utilize. Each fixture is identified with a four-digit code. Our facilities team will be trained in this tool over the next two weeks so they can use it to identify problems and their resolutions. We will be utilizing this information to deploy our staff where needed.
  • Once finals are completed, we will be finishing our work in the WEB computer lab bathrooms, replacing more ceiling tiles, and painting some classrooms and public spaces.
  • We received approximately 2,700 responses to our Facilities Survey, including over 1,600 from students. I want to thank everyone who participated. I will be reviewing the responses and will use this data to inform the next series of initiatives. I look forward to sharing this information with you.

I would like to thank AVP Fran Fitzgerald, the facilities team, and the entire campus community for all the hard work that has been done this semester. It shows what can be accomplished when we work collaboratively toward a common goal.

Respectfully yours,

Alan Gilbert
Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration