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The Children and Youth Studies program offers an interdisciplinary curriculum that examines the lives of children and youth, from the playground to the social justice march. Our courses focus on contemporary issues affecting children and youth within the context of the family, school, peer groups, and community as well as a national and global perspective. Youth culture and media, children and the law, and public policy and advocacy are some of the topics you can study. Building from a social justice orientation, our program offers you the academic foundation and career tools necessary to pursue a profession working directly or indirectly with children and youth.
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Our program provides the academic foundation and career focus necessary to pursue a wide variety of professions working directly or indirectly with children and youth. Students’ professional pursuits include mental health, school and personal counseling, social work, nonprofit organizational positions, pre-med, pre-law, health-related fields, advocacy, and public policy positions. Students must complete a total of 120 credits (including transfer credits) to receive a B.A. in children and youth studies. As a 30-credit major, students in the program have the flexibility to complete a second major, or one or two minors in fields related to their professional pursuits.
Director: Madeline Fox 1304 James Hall E: