Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

The provost and vice president for academic affairs is the college’s chief academic officer. The provost is responsible for establishing academic priorities and overseeing the academic units of the college.

Interim Provost April Bedford

April Bedford

April Bedford was named provost and senior vice president for academic affairs in April 2024. She received a Bachelor of Science in education in curriculum and instruction, elementary education, reading and kindergarten endorsement from Texas A&M University, a Master of Science in education in curriculum and instruction, gifted education endorsement, from Baylor University, and a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction from Texas A&M.

Leadership, Directors, and Staff

Senior Leadership

Academic Directors


  • TR Muth, Faculty Associate to the Provost for Research


  • Lea Honigwachs, Liaison to Faculty Council
  • Joanne Sinclair, Executive Assistant to the Provost
The Brooklyn College campus with a view of the Library and East Quad

COACHE Report on Faculty Job Satisfaction

COACHE is important for our campus. It provides critical information that makes policies and practices more effective.

Contact Information

3137 Boylan Hall
P: 718.951.5864
F: 718.951.4280

Brooklyn. All in.