July 2017 July 31: The department mourns the passing of Harriet Weinrieb (pdf), secretary in the department until 2009 and longtime friend to many of us. Harriet and the chairs with whom she worked. Left to right: Mark Kobrak, Jim Howell, Maggie Ciszkowska, Harriet Weinrieb, Dominick Labianca, David Goldberg, Seymour Aronson, and Gary Mennitt. Not present: Norman Indictor, Evan Williams, and Leon Gortler. July 11: Assistant Professor Torrente is featured as an NIH Success Story. July 7: Assistant Professor Gallicchio is the recipient of the 2017 Henry Wasser Award from the CUNY Academy. June 2017 June 23: Emeritus Professor Leon Gortler publishes “Private Philanthropy and Basic Research in Mid-Twentieth Century America: The Hickrill Chemical Research Foundation” in the journal Ambix. May 2017 May 26: Professor Juszczak publishes “The color of cation-π interactions: Subtleties of amine-tryptophan interaction energetics allow for radical-like visible absorbance and fluorescence” in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. May 20: Professor Gail Horowitz receives the Brooklyn College Award for Excellence in Teaching May 19: Congratulations to Ph.D. student Niluksha Walalawela (Professor Greer’s lab), recipient of the 2017 Rose K. Rose Dissertation Award from the CUNY Ph.D. Program in Chemistry. May 5: Congratulations to Ph.D. student Danielle Hirsch (Professor Murelli’s lab), recipient of the Mina Rees Dissertation Fellowships by the CUNY Graduate Center. April 2017 April 5: Professor Maria Contel scores patent for ruthenium-based anti-cancer compound. February 2017 February 7: Assistant Professor Gallicchio publishes “Efficient Gaussian Density Formulation of Volume and Surface Areas of Macromolecules on Graphical Processing Units” in the Journal of Computational Chemistry.