• Associate Professor David Aulicino was awarded a Collaboration Grant for Mathematicians by the Simons Foundation. The five-year grant (September 2021 to August 2026), in the amount of $42,000, will support his research on “Translation Surfaces: Classification and Counting Problems.” Congratulations!
  • Associate Professor Christian Benes was awarded a Collaboration Grant for Mathematicians by the Simons Foundation. The five-year grant (September 2021 to August 2026), in the amount of $42,000, will support his research on “Random Walk Green’s Function and Harmonic Measure Convergence Rates.” Congratulations!
  • Associate Professor Christian Benes Associate Professor Christian Benes published a research article in a peer-reviewed journal in 2021.
    • “Rates of Convergence for the Planar Discrete Green’s Function in Pacman Domains.” Electronic Journal of Probability. Volume 26 (2021), paper no. 41, 14 pp.
  • Assistant Professor Heidi Goodson published two articles in peer-reviewed journals in 2021.
    • “Examining the Modeling Framework of Crime Hotspot Models in Predictive Policing,” (with A. Hoyer-
      Leitzel). Journal of Humanistic Mathematics Vol 11, Issue 2. July 2021 pages 465-476.
    • “Towards the Sato-Tate Groups of Trinomial Hyperelliptic Curves,” (with M. Emory and A. Peyrot). International Journal of Number Theory. Vol 17, Issue 10. 2021. pages 2175 – 2206.
  • Associate Professor Sandra Kingan published four articles in peer-reviewed journals in 2021.
    • S. R. Kingan (2021) Finding monarchs in excluded minor classes of matroids, Australasian Journal of Mathematics, 79(3), 302–326.
    • K. Benson, J. Bolkema, K. Haymaker, C. Kelley, S. R. Kingan, G. Matthews, E. Nastase (2021). Analysis of termatiko sets in measurement matrices, in Research Trends in Graph Theory, eds. D. Ferrero, L. Hogben, S. R. Kingan, G. Matthews, 51 – 72.
    • J. Costalonga and S. R. Kingan (2021) H-Critical Matroids, Graphs and Combinatorics 37, 797–803.
    • J. Costalonga, R. J. Kingan, S. R. Kingan (2021) Constructing minimally 3-connected graphs. Algorithms 14, no. 1: 9.
  • David Aulicino Associate Professor Sandra Kingan presented her research at two conferences in Fall 2021.
    • “Graph Theory – From Königsburg to Connectomes” at the Mathematics Continued: A Conference for Undergraduate Students, October 23, 2021.
    • “Cyclically 4-connected cubic graphs” at the 43rd Australasian Combinatorics Conference, December 13 – 17, 2021.
  • Associate Professor Sandra Kingan co-organized and chaired the Pan American Workshop for IMU-CWM Ambassadors in November 2021.
  • Follow the Mathematics Department on Twitter at @bcmathdept.
  • Congratulations to Assistant Professor Diana Hubbard who was awarded a PSC-CUNY grant entitled “Minimal representatives of three-manifolds” for the academic year 2021-2022.
  • Congratulations to Assistant Professor Heidi Goodson who was awarded a PSC-CUNY grant entitled “Sato-Tate Distributions of Jacobian Varieties” for the academic year 2021-2022.
  • Associate Professor Sandra Kingan had a book published in 2021: “Research Trends in Graph Theory,” AWM Springer Series on Graph Theory and Applications (Edited with Daniela Fererra, Leslie Hogben, Gretchen Matthews), SpringerNature. Congratulations!
  • 2020-2021 departmental honors and awards.
  • The Actuarial Society and the Accounting Society co-hosted “How to Network” on November 21, 2019, in the Student Center.
  • 2019 Student Scholarship and Award Recipients: View the list of recipients of our general awards/scholarships (for both undergraduate and graduate students) and competition-based awards as well as those who were selected to graduate with departmental honors.