Roberta S. Matthews Center for Teaching and Learning

The Roberta S. Matthews Center for Teaching and Learning supports faculty by providing them with innovative pedagogical resources for effective teaching and learning.

Training, Workshops, and Other Opportunities
Teach in Ten: 10 Steps to Effective Online Pedagogy, Blackboard Training, Other College and University-wide Training

Previous Programming 
In summer 2021 we launched the inaugural CTL Course Development Fellows program.

About the CTL
Mission, Staff, Board Members

Pedagogical Resources
Inclusive and Anti-Racist Pedagogy, Course Design and Classroom Practices, Writing Across the Curriculum

Resources for Remote and Hybrid Learning
Digital Toolbox, Adapting Your Course for Remote and Hybrid Learning, Library Reserves and Online Labs

Supporting Students
Virtual Office Hours, Netiquette for Remote Instruction, Accessibility for Students With Disabilities


CTL and AIT Workshops

Contact Information

2420 Boylan Hall
P: 718.951.5211
F: 718.951.4612

Office Hours

Mondays–Thursdays: Noon–5 p.m.

Brooklyn. All in.