Liv Mariah Yarrow, chair and professor of the  Department of Classics in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, has been awarded the 2022 Lhotka Memorial Prize by the Royal Numismatic Society for her book, The Roman Republic to 49 BCE: Using Coins as Sources.

“I have always taught with coins,” Yarrow said. “Many of my Brooklyn College students have gone on to do research internships on coinage of all eras at the American Numismatics Society, for which I serve as a fellow.  Coins make the events of the past tangible to our students. This is particularly true of the end of the Roman republic where the fraught politics of the day appear again and again on the coinage. This book helps me bring some of that classroom experience to a wider audience, while simultaneously helping make the research of the last 40 years including my own much more widely accessible.”

Yarrow’s book is part of the Guides to the Coinage of the Ancient World series co-published by Cambridge University Press and the American Numismatic Society to integrate numismatic evidence—especially high-definition photos—into course materials communicating the history and archaeology of the ancient Mediterranean world.

Along with her previous book, “Historiography at the End of the Republic: Provincial Perspectives on Roman Rule,”  Yarrow has also had the distinction of being Co-principal investigator for the Roman Republican Die Project, for the American Numismatic Society, as well as a Kraay Visiting Scholar at Oxford.