November 2019

November 14—Brooklyn College’s Biology Club recently hosted its first medical student panel, inviting Elaine Fletcher and Errol Hunte, students who have successfully navigated the complex medical school applications process and are currently studying at SUNY Downstate and Albert Einstein, respectively. Brooklyn College students responded in great numbers, taking advantage of the opportunity to learn from the panelists’ experiences. Based on the success of this event, the Biology Club plans to sponsor future events to assist students in learning more about career and study opportunities.

November 7—The Department of Biology will host Professor Yonathan Zohar from the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology at the University of Maryland as part of this year’s Schreibman Lecture in Integrative Biology on November 7 in 113 Ingersoll Hall Extension, 12:30–1:30 p.m. Zohar’s lab focuses on basic and applied aspects of fish reproductive physiology and endocrinology, and enhancing the productivity of finfish aquaculture. His seminar, “Fish reproductive biology: A journey between hormones, genes, functions, and aquaculture,” is open to the college community and will be followed by a small reception.

October 2019

October 10—Faculty, staff, and students gathered to celebrate the contributions of Professor Dan Eshel to the college community and to unveil a plaque in his honor on campus, an event covered by the BC Vanguard. The department’s annual Two Trees Lectures, named in honor of Eshel, recognize excellence in undergraduate research.

October 2—New paper from the Saxena Lab—”The fungal mycobiome promotes pancreatic oncogenesis via activation of MBLs” (Nature).

August 2019

August—The Department of Biology congratulates Naomi Lewandowski (Basil Lab), Jonathan Perelmuter (Forlano Lab), Frieda Benun Sutton (Wilson Lab), Kelly Eckenrode (Biais Lab), and Chase Budell and Glennon Bythrow (both of the Quadri Lab), our newest Ph.D. graduates from the CUNY Graduate Center!

August 10—The Brooklyn Urban Ecology and Environment summer undergraduate research program recently concluded its second year, with student participants from California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia involved in research projects and outreach across the city.  More information on the program, along with application materials, can be found here.