The Brooklyn College campus with bricks from Tribute Plaza

Irving Alan Kaye's brick

Irving Alan Kaye’s brick

Irving Alan Kaye, a Brooklyn College Chemistry Department faculty member from 1945 to 1984, passed away in May of 2019, just days shy of his 103rd birthday. Professor Kaye taught organic chemistry and his research centered on synthetic organic chemistry and the development of organic laboratory techniques. One of the proudest achievements of his long career as a professor was the lifelong bonds he established with many of his students. Professor Kaye’s family wanted to honor his legacy with a brick in his name which was laid this fall at the college’s Tribute Plaza. There, brick by brick, hundreds of students, alumni, parents, relatives, and friends reach across generations to tell stories of personal accomplishment, pay tribute to those who have touched their life, and share advice, encouragement, and inspiration. Add your voice—acknowledge your achievements; recognize a professor, faculty member, or special graduate; celebrate a friend; or remember a loved one. Let your contribution inspire our community today and tomorrow.

Find out more on our Buy a Brick page.