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CUNY’s top computer and information science department will position you to lead this continually evolving and dynamic field. Access cutting-edge resources for learning all the latest and most advanced computer and information science systems, programs, applications, and theories. Our faculty experts are leaders who stand at the forefront of the digital-world curve. The department is also an active participant in the Performance and Interactive Media Arts M.F.A. program.
Your graduate degree will be well respected by individuals and organizations in the wide range of CIS-related industries across the nation and will enable you to secure rewarding positions at all levels or to advance your current career. Employers typically expect computer and information research scientists to hold master’s degrees at a minimum. You can also find jobs as computer programmers, software and hardware engineers, systems managers, web developers, and IT architects, among others.
The program information listed here reflects the approved curriculum for the 2024–25 academic year per the Brooklyn College Bulletin. Bulletins from past academic years can be found here.
Applicants are expected to have the equivalent of at least 15 credits in computer and information science and related areas, including the following: knowledge of a high-level computer language (preferably C++ or Java), knowledge of assembly language and computer architecture, a course in discrete structures, a course in data structures, and a course in calculus. Students who do not have these requirements can be accepted with the condition that they complete these courses at the undergraduate level.
Students in the health informatics specialization must also have 18 credits in health or science related courses. Calculus can be waived for this specialization.
For all concentrations, applicants can be conditionally accepted if they are short of no more than two prerequisites.
General matriculation and admission requirements of Graduate Studies are in the Admissions Requirements section.
Thirty are required for the degree. Students must maintain at least a B (3.00) average. Students must complete 30 credits in courses numbered 7000 and above.
Up to 10 credits in courses in other departments may be substituted, with the permission of the graduate deputy chair. There are three specializations:
All students must complete each of the following core courses:
Additional electives courses in CISC 7000 level may be needed to complete the 30-credit requirement.
Courses should be selected in consultation with the program adviser.
As an exit requirement, all students must complete one of the following:
As an exception to the general college rule, the comprehensive examination in the Department of Computer and Information Science may be taken in the term preceding the one in which the student will complete all course requirements for the degree. However, all other college regulations concerning the comprehensive examination still apply. Students are strongly advised to take advantage of this exception and to take the comprehensive examination in the earlier semester.
Students will:
Submit the following documents to the Office of Graduate Admissions:
This program accepts nondegree applicants.
Refer to the instructions at Graduate Admissions.
1212 Ingersoll Hall E: P: 718.951.5000 ext. 2069
Or contact:
222 West Quad Center 2900 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11210 E: P: 718.951.4536
Mondays–Fridays, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
To make an appointment with a graduate admissions counselor, visit:
BC Admissions Appointment Tool
Students must complete:
Brooklyn College is an integral part of the cultural and artistic energy of New York City. Our faculty members in the Department of Computer and Information Science offer incomparable expertise and tremendous talent, and each brings a unique perspective to their teaching and mentoring in and out of the classroom.
Through job fairs, the internship database, and internship panels, the Magner Career Center gives students in the computer sciences M.S. program access to internships at a variety of companies.
Brooklyn College computer science alumni have found employment with many organizations, including:
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