Admissions & Aid
Student Life
Info For
BC Bound is a program that allows qualified, driven students who have earned their GED or TASC high school equivalency certification to enter Brooklyn College as full-time freshmen. The rigorous program includes tutoring, special courses, workshops, dedicated staff, and events to help students succeed in an environment of higher education.
BC Bound classes run Mondays through Fridays, typically 9:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Students are enrolled in a 12-credit learning community specially designed to ease their transition into Brooklyn College. Class sizes remain small so that professors can provide individual attention and that you get a chance to connect with other students.
To continue at Brooklyn College after the first semester, you will need to pass English, math, and a freshman seminar focusing on academic and socioemotional support to prepare for your first term at Brooklyn College. You must also maintain an overall grade point average of 2.00 or better to remain at Brooklyn College. If you do not earn the grade of C or better in at least English or math, you may be advised to consider attending another college.
BC Bound is funded by the CUNY Black Male Initiative (CUNY BMI). All programs and activities by CUNY BMI are open to all academically eligible students, staff, and faculty without regard to race, gender, national origin, or other characteristics.
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The students in our program range in age from 18 to 60. They come from diverse backgrounds, and many are first in their family to attend college. They have a variety of interests, including fine arts, pre-law, pre-med, theological studies, computer programming, and political science.
Email us to schedule an interview with one of our team members.
Sign up for an information session.
As a full-time student, you will be enrolled in the 12-credit BC Bound Learning Community. The curriculum for the Learning Community consists of the following:
What are the exclusive resources for BC Bound students?
If you have any questions, contact:
Richard Vento, Director, Learning Center 1300 Boylan Hall E: E: