The short film Tasting Two Worlds: Flavors of Urban Life, created by students from Adjunct Associate Professor Young Cheong’s summer study abroad class in South Korea, will be shown at the prestigious DOC NYC on Nov. 21, at 1 p.m., at Village East by Angelika. The film examines the concept of “comfort food” from New York City to South Korea. The five-minute documentary was made by students Africa Day, Aaliah Hamilton Gibbons, Soonhae Jin, Daisy Palaguachi, Amina Sarfraz, and Kim Yubin from Cheong’s Multimedia Design and Production course (TREM 3841). Cheong is also the director of CUNY Study Abroad in South Korea and the Television, Radio & Emerging Media Department (TREM) Emerging Media Innovation Lab. DOC NYC is the nation’s largest documentary festival. It is highly competitive and only selects 10 student films from New York City colleges and universities. This is the second straight year in which student work from TREM has been selected to screen at DOC NYC.