Samantha Jadav’s life was upended when her father was diagnosed with cancer. The business administration Master of Science graduate—who finished her coursework in December and will join the May commencement ceremony—took a gap year after getting her bachelor’s degree a few years back to spend time with loved ones and reflect on her future.

During that time, she found comfort in the kindness of her father’s medical team and realized that she could apply her business acumen to a career in hospital administration.

We sat down with Jadav to get to know her better.

How have you grown in the last couple of years? 

I’ve had academic and personal growth. I enjoyed my coursework and was part of some great research projects. I gained real-world experience in my master’s degree and learned a lot overall. On a personal level, I’ve become more self-aware and determined. I’m now committed to always improving and working to overcome any challenges that come up.

Who helped you through the tough times?

I had experiences that were hard to push through, but I got a lot of support and guidance. Someone I met at my job at Staten Island University Hospital, Dr. Jerel Chacko, helped me overcome some obstacles. Whether I had a challenging physics question or needed advice, he was always there to help. I remember struggling with a complex medical concept and he patiently explained it, breaking it down and making sure I understood it and felt confident applying it. He instilled in me the importance of perseverance and seeking guidance in tough times.

What’s been Brooklyn College’s biggest strength during your time here? 

Its strong focus on education and its supportive atmosphere.

What’s most important to you? 

Integrity, because it forms a foundation of trust and respect.

What goals have you been working toward since you graduated?

I was inspired by the care my father received during his battle with cancer to change my career. I developed a deep-rooted commitment to give back to the community that supported us. I want to work in hospital administration and then hope to go to medical school eventually because I feel that both will help me make a meaningful contribution to the healthcare sector. I want to help improve healthcare outcomes for future generations.