Aakash Chopra is making his dreams a reality, line by line of code. He will soon hold an M.S. in computer science, and he’s opening doors with each complex algorithm he cracks.

The international student has worked at global consulting firms and had an apprenticeship at Google. From creating software solutions to becoming an expert in machine learning, he has designed a blueprint for his future.

You moved across the world to pursue computer science.

I was working with a company back home in India, dealing with products and clients. I hit a point where I felt stuck and didn’t have a lot of growth opportunities. So I decided to pursue my master’s abroad, which is how I got to Brooklyn College. I love the rush of solving a problem, and I get to do that now. When I moved here, I dived right into the city with work, sports, and friends.

What outside-of-the-classroom moments and stories will stick with you? The kind you will probably end up telling your grandkids about.

I’m in Kappa Sigma. I’ll always remember hanging out with my fraternity brothers and going to meetings in different states, or getting dinner together at the Applebee’s near campus.

What specific skills has Brooklyn College given you that you think will most help you navigate life after graduation, and how did the college help you develop those skills?

I’ve learned how to be a good public speaker and teacher. I’m an adjunct lecturer and it’s very fulfilling. I used to lack confidence, but Brooklyn College’s supportive environment helped me become more confident being at the center of the room.

How do you spend your free time?

Playing badminton and foosball with other students. It’s fun. I’ve learned about teamwork and have gotten to connect with people outside of class. I’ve made a lot of friends who I hang out with now.

What are your goals for after graduation?

I want to bring my innovation to the computer science field. I hope to be involved in projects that I’m passionate about and that will challenge me. Also, I want to learn more about AI and software development so I can apply it to what I do in my career.