BLL Online Membership Application

To apply for membership to BLL, fill out the form below.

In addition to our lectures and classes, we offer trips to museums and places of cultural and historic interest as well as social gatherings.

Once you submit your application, you will be directed to PayPal, where you will be able to pay by credit card, debit card, PayPal, or check to complete your enrollment.

If you have any questions, email us or call  us at 718.951.5647.

Membership Fees

  • New Members (Spring and Summer)—$50
  • Former Members (Spring and Summer)—$75
  • Individual—$100: The fee entitles you to participate in all BLL classes.
  • Friend of BLL—$150: For those who can give more, a Friend of BLL membership is available. With this fee, you will be supporting BLL and helping to ensure that it continues to provide lifelong learning for you and all participants in this program.
  • Lifetime Membership—$1,500

* Indicates Required Field

Brooklyn. All in.