Understanding Academic Probation

Brooklyn College requires undergraduate students to maintain a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average (GPA) to be in good academic standing.

If your cumulative GPA falls below 2.00, you will be placed on academic probation. Once you are placed on academic probation, it is important that you understand the policy, its implications, and what you can do to return to good academic standing.

The Policy

Students are placed on academic probation when:

  • their cumulative GPA falls below 2.00, or
  • their semester GPA is less than 2.00 for two consecutive semesters (regardless of their cumulative GPA).

Students placed on academic probation for the first condition (cumulative GPA below 2.00) may be allowed up to three probationary semesters, granted they meet the following requirement: earning a minimum semester GPA of 2.30 while on probation. Students who do not attain a 2.30 semester GPA while on probation, and whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.00, will automatically be dismissed.

While students may be allowed up to three probationary semesters, they are not guaranteed three probationary semesters and can be dismissed after just one probationary semester. Also, while on probation, students can register for a maximum of only six credits for the subsequent semester.

Students placed on academic probation for the second condition (semester GPA of less than 2.00 for two consecutive semesters) will remain on probation until they earn a semester GPA of 2.00 or higher for two consecutive semesters.

The Possible Outcomes

There are three possible outcomes for students placed on probation:

  • Do exceptionally well and return to good academic standing (cumulative GPA above 2.00).
  • Do well and continue on academic probation (minimum semester GPA of 2.30, but cumulative GPA below 2.00).
  • Not do well and be dismissed (semester GPA below 2.30, and cumulative GPA below 2.00).

What You Can Do to Return to Good Academic Standing

Being placed on academic probation is not a punishment; it is an opportunity for you to reassess your academic performance, re-prioritize your academic plan, and renew your commitment to achieving your academic goals. “Nothing without great effort” is, after all, the Brooklyn College motto. Consider it a wake-up call, and know that CAASS is here to help you get back on track.

Meet with a CAASS adviser to review the academic resources available to you at Brooklyn College, and to establish a way forward, toward graduation.

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