MARC Students

Because of Brooklyn College’s commitment to research, our MARC students have had substantial and diverse opportunities to conduct research. Students have access to first-class faculty as well as fully equipped research labs with core facilities featuring complex machines such as a transmission electron microscope and a BD FACS Canto Flow cytometer; AREAC, our marine biology center; and the Diana Rogovin Davidow Speech Language Hearing Center.

Besides being in a research-active environment, our students participate in seminars, conferences, and summer internships where they are able to be part of a wider scientific community. Our students come from a variety of backgrounds, from neuroscience and psychology to speech communication and health and nutrition sciences. In addition to the work they do in their classes and in their labs, these MARC students are very active in their school and in their communities, from volunteering to poetry reading to student government.

There are two cohorts of MARC students that are running currently. Cohort 17 are seniors and Cohort 18 are juniors.

Current Students

Cohort 19

Jade Balcombe

Biology, In-training
In program 2018–present
Faculty mentor: Assistant Professor Nicolas Biais

Ashley Civil

Biology, In-training
In program 2018–present
Faculty mentor: Associate Professor Theodore Muth

Kaydine Edwards

Health and Nutrition Sciences, In-Training
In program 2018–present
Faculty mentor: Assistant Professor Xinyin Jiang

Jailene Paredes

Biology, In-training
In program 2018–present
Faculty mentor: Assistant Professor Mariana Torrente

Cohort 20

Samuelle Delcy

Psychology, In-training
In program 2019–present
Faculty mentor: Associate Professor Daniel Kurylo

Claudia Melo

Biology and Chemistry, In-training
In program 2019–present
Faculty mentor: Assistant Professor Guillermo Gerona-Navarro

Ominakhon Nazarzoda

Chemistry, In-training
In program 2019–present
Faculty mentor: Assistant Professor Mariana Torrente

Jeydy Perez

Biology, In-training
In program 2019–present
Faculty mentor: Assistant Professor Guillermo Gerona-Navarro

Tia Robinson

Biology, In-training
In program 2019–present
Faculty mentor: Associate Professor Mara Schvarzstein

Ph.D.s in Progress

Tangeria Adams

Psychology, B.S.
In program 2012–14
Faculty mentor: Professor Laura Rabin
Since graduating: University of Rochester (Clinical Psychology), Ph.D. candidate

Kadidia Adula

Biology, B.S.
In program 2009–11
Faculty mentor: Professor Juergen Polle
Since graduating: University of California Los Angeles, Ph.D. candidate

Gabrielle Akcelik

Psychology, B.S.
In program 2016–18
Faculty mentor: Assistant Professor Guillermo Esber
Since graduating: University of Chicago (Neuroscience), Ph.D. candidate

Adanna Alexander

Biology, B.A.
In program 2008–09
Faculty mentor: Professor Peter Lipke
Since graduating: CUNY Graduate Center, Ph.D. candidate

Allyson Bunbury

Biology, B.S.
In program 2000–02
Faculty mentor: Professor Lesley Davenport
Since graduating: Albert Einstein School of Medicine, Ph.D. candidate (ABD)

Stephanie Christie

Biology, B.S.
In program 2011–13
Faculty mentor: Professor Kathleen Axen
Since graduating: Ichan School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, Ph.D. candidate

Adriana Cushnie

Psychology, B.S.
In program 2015–17
Faculty mentor: Professor Juan Marcos Alarcon
Since graduating: University of Minnesota (Neuroscience), Ph.D. candidate

Elena Dominguez

Psychology, B.S.
In program 2013–15
Faculty mentor: Associate Professor Matthew Crump
Since graduating: University of California Irvine Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Ph.D. candidate

Martha Dua-Awerah

Biology, B.S., and Physics, B.S.
In program 2011–13
Faculty mentor: Professor Lesley Davenport
Since graduating: University of Cincinnati Systems Biology and Physiology, Ph.D. candidate

Jason Dunlop

Psychology, B.A., and Speech Language Pathology, B.S.
In program 2016–18
Faculty mentor: Professor Brett Martin
Since graduating: University of Maryland Speech and Hearing Sciences, Ph.D. candidate

Jemina Georges

Anthropology, B.A.
In program 2012–14
Faculty mentor: Professor Sophia Perdikaris
Since graduating: CUNY Graduate Center (Anthropology), Ph.D. candidate

Anthony James

Biology, B.S.
In program 2016–18
Faculty mentor: Assistant Professor Mara Schvarstein
Since graduating: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Ph.D. candidate

Sanchez Jarrett

Chemistry, B.S.
In program 2010–12
Faculty mentor: Professor Richard Magliozzo
Since graduating: Harvard University (Biological and Medical Sciences), Ph.D. candidate

Andre Jordan

Chemistry, B.S.
In program 2012–13
Faculty mentor: Professor Lesley Davenport
Since graduating: University of Miami (Cancer Biology, Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology), Ph.D. candidate

Tabitha Julien

Biology, B.S.
In program 2009–11
Faculty mentor: Associate Professor Anjana Saxena
Since graduating: University at Albany-SUNY, M.P.H., and New York University (Epidemiology), Ph.D. candidate

Lumena Louis

Chemistry, B.S.
In program 2010–12
Faculty mentor: Professor Roberto Sanchez-Delgado
Since graduating: University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. candidate

Camillia Monestime

Biology, B.S.
In program 2011–13
Faculty mentor: Associate Professor Paul Forlano
Since graduating: Stony Brook University-SUNY, Ph.D. candidate

Kaleefa Munroe-Peters

Psychology, B.S.
In program 2005–6
Faculty mentors: Professor Curtis Hardin, Professor Harriet Tenenbaum, and Professor Kay Deaux
Since graduating: CUNY Graduate Center, Ph.D. candidate (ABD)
Currently on family leave

Claribel Nunez

Chemistry, B.S.
In program 2008–10
Faculty mentor: Professor Maria Contel
Since graduating: University of Florida, Ph.D. candidate

Nasiha Ocasio

Biology, B.S.
In program 1999–2001
Faculty Mentor: Professor Martin Schreibman
Since graduating: Ichan School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai (Neuroscience), Ph.D. candidate (ABD)
Currently an organic farmer

Lexi Rene

Mathematics, B.S.
In program 2011–13
Faculty mentor: Associate Professor Andrezej Jarzecki
Since graduating: Emory University, M.P.H., and Florida State University, Ph.D. candidate

Darwin Romulus

Psychology, B.S.
In program 2014–16
Faculty mentor: Professor Louise Hainline
Since graduating; Florida Atlantic University (Complex Systems and Brain Sciences), Ph.D. candidate

Tiffany Shand Terry

Chemistry, B.A.
In program 2009–10
Faculty mentor: Professor Roberto Delgado Sanchez
Since graduating: University of Virginia (Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology), Ph.D. candidate

Janai Williams

Psychology, B.S.
In program 2016–18
Faculty mentor: Assistant Profesor Guillermo Esber
Since graduating: Duke University (Neuroscience), Ph.D. candidate

Khadija Wilson

Biology, B.S.
In program 2015–17
Faculty mentor: Assistant Professor Guillermo Gerona-Navarro
Since graduating: University of Pennsylvania (Pharmacology), Ph.D. candidate

Completed Ph.D.s

Adebowale Bamidele

Chemistry, B.S.
In program 2005–07
Faculty mentor: Professor Malgorzata Ciszkowaska
Since graduating: Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Ph.D.
Currently doing a postdoctorate at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in the Department of Gastroenterology and Hematology

Candida Bhagwandin

Biology, B.S.
In program 2008–09
Faculty mentor: Professor Dan Eshel
Since graduating: University of Arizona (Cellular and Molecular Medicine), Ph.D.
Currently a scientist at SanBio California

Angela Erazo Chrisomalis

Biology, B.S.
In program 2000–02
Faculty mentor: Professor Kathleen Axen
Since graduating: University of Pittsburg, Ph.D., and Columbia University, postdoctorate
Currently a senior scientific associate at Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide

Cula Dautriche

Chemistry, B.A., and Biology B.S.
In program 2006–08
Faculty mentor: Professor Roberto Sanchez-Delgado
Since graduating: Downstate School of Medicine-SUNY and Polytechnic Institute-SUNY, M.D./Ph.D.
Currently a resident at University of Rochester in the School of Medicine and Dentistry

Yolanda Hillocks Foster

Psychology, B.S.
In program 2002–04
Faculty mentor: Professor Dan Eshel
Since graduating: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Ph.D.
Currently a researcher at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Aaron T. Frank

Chemistry, B.A.
In program 2004–06
Faculty mentor: Professor Alexander Greer
Since graduating: University of Michigan (Biomedical Sciences), transferred to University of California Irvine, Ph.D., and University of Michigan, postdoctorate

Kester Haye

Biology, B.S.
In program 2000–02
Faculty mentor: Professor Ray Gavin
Since graduating: Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Global Health and Emerging Pathogens Institute, M.D./Ph.D.
Currently doing a residency at University of California San Francisco in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Ismaele Jacques

Biology, B.S.
In program 2001–03
Faculty mentor: Associate Professor Qi He
Since graduating: Yale University (Nursing), M.S., and Yale University (Microbiology), Ph.D.
Currently working as a nurse practitioner at Yale New Haven Hospital

Betty Noel

Biology, B.A.
In program 2001–03
Faculty mentor: Associate Professor Theodore Muth
Since graduating: Stony Brook University-SUNY, Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Ph.D.
Currently director of Middle School at St. Ann’s School

Alexander Pyronneau

Biology, B.S.
In program 2006–08
Faculty mentor: Professor Peter Lipke
Since graduating: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, M.D./Ph.D.
Currently a physician and researcher at Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Shella Saint Fleur-Lominy

Biology, B.S.
In program 2001–03
Faculty mentor: Professor Richard Magliozzo
Since graduating: NYU School of Medicine, Department of Molecular Oncology and Immunology, M.D./Ph.D.
Currently working at NYU Langone as a hematologist and also does research on the biology of leukemia

Laura Senatus

Biology, B.S.
In program 2008–10
Faculty mentor: Associate Professor Theodore Muth
Since graduating: New York University, Department of Pathology (Experimental Pathology), M.S., and New York University Department of Pathology (Experimental Pathology), Ph.D.
Currently doing a postdoctoral at New York University

Lukman Solola

Chemistry, B.S.
In program 2010–12
Faculty mentor: Professor Roberto Sanchez-Delgado
Since graduating: University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D.
Awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Currently a research scientist at Alcalta Coating Systems

Lyl Tomlinson

Psychology, B.S.
In program 2008–10
Faculty mentor: Professor Andrew Delamater
Since graduating: Stony Brook University-SUNY, Ph.D.
Currently an American Association for the Advancement of Science fellow

Kerton Victory

Chemistry, B.A.
In program 2005–07
Faculty mentor: Professor Richard Magliozzo
Since graduating: University of Arizona (Nutrition Sciences), M.S., and University of Arizona (Environmental Health Sciences), Ph.D.
Currently an environmental health officer/epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and a lieutenant commander with the U.S. Public Health Service

Brooklyn. All in.