In the Interest of Public Health

Michael Joseph ’94 has educated generations of public health professionals for over two decades and shows no sign of stopping.

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Luis Quadri Publishes Research on Pathogen That Causes Tuberculosis-Like Pulmonary Disease

The work examines the genes that Mycobacterium kansasii needs to grow and their implications for drug resistance and drug development.

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Highlighted Faculty – Professor Paul Forlano

Congratulations to Professor of Biology Paul Forlano for receiving a three-year NIH R15 grant.

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Biology Professor Luis Quadri Co-Authors New Article and Earns Research Grant for Work on “Mycobacterium abscessus”

Brooklyn College Biology Professor Luis Quadri co-athured a research article on “Mycobacterium abscessus,” an environmental mycobacterial Pathogen Causing Chronic Pulmonary Disease.  Several Ph.D. students are also co-authors of the article.

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Spring 2022 Biology News

June 2022 June 9—Congratulations to Prof. Mara Schvarzstein and Prof. Shaneen Singh for publishing “A combined in silico and in vivo approach to the structure-function annotation of SPD-2 provides mechanistic

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#BCGrad22: Jessica Betancourt

Pre-law student Jessica Betancourt hopes to make an impact on remedying some of society’s more pressing issues.

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Brooklyn College Cancer Center to Hold Second Brooklyn Colorectal Cancer Symposium

The March 18 symposium is just one of several BCCC-CURE spring events focused on research, community service and education.

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New Publication: Professor Amy Ikui, Biology

Prof. Ikui’s laboratory studies DNA replication and cell division using S. cerevisae as a model system, with the goal of understanding the molecular mechanism of cell growth control.

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Fall 2021 Biology News

October 2021 October 6—GlaxoSmithKline’s Mosquirix vaccine against malaria has been approved by the World Health Organization. Did you know that one of its inventors, Dr. Joe Cohen, earned his Ph.D.

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2021 Year in Review at Brooklyn College

Despite the ongoing pandemic, there was a lot to celebrate in a year that saw new institutional alliances, big initiatives, prestigious awards, and a safe and successful partial return to

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Posted By
Charles Thompson