CIS Brooklyn College Student Wins Weill Cornell AI Health Hackathon

CIS student Nelson Wang, along with a 5 member team, develops the winning app for cancer screening.

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The Opportunities and the Smarts

Maureen O’Hara ’78, endowed a fund enabling bright Brooklyn College students to take advantage of unpaid internships.

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Facebook Data Challenge 2020 Opportunity

Application Deadline: January 18, 2020.

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Students From Kyushu Institute of Technology of Japan Visit the CIS Department at Brooklyn College

Brooklyn College and City College have a special relationship with Kyushu Institute of Technology.

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Brooklyn College to Receive $1.5 Million from the City of New York to Prepare More Students for Tech Industry as Part of its CUNY 2x Tech Initiative

The initiative aims to double the number of graduates from the City University of New York with bachelor’s degrees ready to compete for tech jobs in New York City.

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Programmed for Success

Shahzoda Davlatova’s internship at JPMorgan Chase & Co. provided the tech savvy student a challenge that transformed her.

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Two CIS Students Are Winners on Science Day

Student work focused on Android malware detection and on determining the accuracy of code-similarity programs.

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2019 Google Tech Challenge

Brooklyn College CIS students earn second place in 2019 Google Tech Challenge.

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CIS Assistant Professor Rivka Levitan Awarded $500,000 NSF CAREER Award to Study Entrainment

The grant will support Levitan’s entrainment research for the next five years and fund the collection of a new corpus of task-oriented speech to enable the analysis of important questions about entrainment.

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Elena Felder’s Google Search Yields Terrific Results

The computer and information science alumna says her education exceptionally prepared her for her current position at the tech giant.

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Posted By
Charles Thompson