Creative Scholarship Wins Accolades

Four faculty members honored with $25,000 Tow Professorships to support cutting-edge research, ranging from the expansion of the canon of Italian literature to the creation of art with a unique focus on social justice and the human condition.

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Three Brooklyn College English Faculty Win 2013 Guggenheim Fellowships

Emeritus Professor Louis S. Asekoff and Associate Professor Ben Lerner awarded for poetry, and playwright and Lecturer Erin Courtney ’03 M.F.A. receives award in drama and performance art.

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New Veterans Affairs Center Opens on Campus

Expanded office location supports services for student veterans.

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The Graduate Who Won’t Be There

A posthumous honor for a senior who doggedly endeavored to get her degree.

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Brooklyn College Establishes Four New Schools

As the new academic year gets under way, President Karen L. Gould officially welcomed the founding deans of four new schools, completing the final stage of an ambitious academic reorganization

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Brooklyn College Breaks Ground on New Performing Arts Center

When President Karen L. Gould dug a shovel into the ground outside Gershwin Hall on May 13, she officially began Brooklyn College’s latest construction project: a new performing arts center.

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Brooklyn College Confers More Than 4,100 Degrees, Highest Number in Three Decades

Brooklyn College conferred the largest number of bachelor’s and master’s degrees and advanced certificates in the past three decades at back-to-back Commencement Exercises held on June 1 and 2. The

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‘Great Minds’ Gather for Fiftieth Anniversary Fete of Brooklyn College’s Scholars Program

“Great minds think alike” may not always be true. But at the 50th anniversary celebration of the Scholars Program, it certainly was. Great minds past and present all agreed that

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Future Media Moguls Get a Head Start

Even when the job market is healthy, the media business is one of the toughest fields to break in to. Today, it’s even harder. That’s why the Media and Entertainment

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Library Celebrates Campus Page Turners

It was an event that even President Karen L. Gould couldn’t keep herself from cheering about. “Bravo! Brava!” she said to all the faculty authors celebrated at the Annual Book

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Posted By
Charles Thompson