Brooklyn College Center for Achievement in Science Education Wins National Award for Its Inspiring Programs in STEM

INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine recognizes the college as a leader in supporting traditionally underrepresented students who pursue degrees in science and technology.

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The Impact of War

Though far from the conflict zone, for reasons personal and academic, the Brooklyn College community is keeping Russia’s war in Ukraine close to its heart.

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Associate Provost Interviews American Council on Education President for Web Series

Tammie Cumming co-hosted a talk that explored emerging changes in campus practice.

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Brooklyn College Celebrates New Healthcare Career Alliance

The new Healthcare Career Hub of Central and South Brooklyn: Brooklyn College, Kingsborough Community College, and Medgar Evers College—Building the Workforce Ecosystem aims to expand healthcare workforce.

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Brooklyn College Recognizes Class of 2021

“Resiliency and Hope” is the theme as 4,699 graduates celebrated with special guests at online celebration.

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Hess Scholar in Residence Winona LaDuke Says We Must Take the “Green Path” to Restore Our Environment and Economy

Looking to indigenous people for guidance is a good start, said the First Nation activist.

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Peter Tolias, Ph.D., Named New Dean of School of Natural and Behavioral Sciences

Former center director and department chair at Stevens Institute of Technology brings a passion for research and cross-disciplinary education to Brooklyn College.

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Retooling for a More Remote World

Reflections on transitioning many of the college’s services to the virtual environment.

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Brooklyn College Associate Provost and AVP for Institutional Effectiveness to Co-Host New Multimedia Web Series With AAC&U on Digital Learning Techniques

“Next-Gen Assessment” will explore promising solutions to emerging educational challenges during COVID-19.

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Brooklyn College Names New Dean for Murray Koppelman School of Business

Qing Hu, Ph.D., starts new post on July 1, to lead the only accredited school of business in Brooklyn.

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Benjamin Louie