Cleaning India’s Holiest — And Most Polluted — River

Professor of Film Vinit Parmar’s new documentary explores the pollution of India’s most sacred river.

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Finding Hope in Urban Farming

Junior Eric Carlsen reimagines our foodways — in the most unlikely places — to better feed the nation.

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A Matter of Taste

Bitter or sweet? More than just a preference on our palate, they can dramatically alter our moral judgments.

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Two Faculty Members Receive Fellowship to Complete Research

Assistant Professors Rosamond S. King and Sophia N. Suarez have been awarded the Career Enhancement Fellowship for Junior Faculty, an award from the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation that comes

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Philosophy Professor’s Animal Attraction Leads to Intriguing Experiments

Robert Lurz, an associate professor in the Philosophy Department, wants to get into the minds of chimpanzees. He wants to know what they know and how they know it. His

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Polymath in Residence at Brooklyn College

Forget the which-came-first puzzle — the chicken or the egg. A more interesting question is: Do chickens prefer attractive people? The answer is yes, according to Stefano Ghirlanda, the new

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Posted By
Charles Thompson