Senior Gabrielle Powell on the Importance of Cultural Studies and Why Anthropology Makes Her Question Everything

In an ongoing series we interview students to get their perspective on current events, issues, and their Brooklyn College experience.

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Elle Documentary Spotlights Professor Zinga Fraser’s Scholarship on African-American Women

The director of Shirley Chisholm Project on Brooklyn Women’s Activism at Brooklyn College also recently received the prestigious American Association of University Women Postdoctoral Fellowship.

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Co-creator of #SAYHERNAME Spotlights Police Violence Against Black Women and LGBTQ People at Brooklyn College Event

Activist, attorney, and author Andrea J. Ritchie led a talk about the daunting challenges faced in the quest to center women of color, and queer and transgender people as victims in discussions of state violence.

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Signs of Change: Brooklyn College Implements Gender-Inclusive and Gender-Neutral Restrooms

In a gathering held in Ingersoll Hall, the college stressed the need to embrace its tradition of inclusion and ensure the transgender, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming communities full access to its facilities.

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Brooklyn College Welcomes New Faculty, 2016

A diverse group of stellar scholars started this semester.

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Columbia University Ph.D. Candidate Lisa Del Sol Reflects on How Brooklyn College Prepped Her for Success

The recent graduate says the college opened up numerous opportunities for her, helping her to realize her potential.

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Nurturing Tomorrow’s Leaders

Building on a tradition of women-oriented resources, Brooklyn College inaugurates a new Women’s Initiative.

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Obama Honors the Legacy of Shirley Chisholm ’46 with the Presidential Medal of Freedom

Shirley Chisholm Project Director Zinga Fraser discusses the legacy and continued relevance of the political icon on the heels of the recognition by President Obama and in light of one of the most diverse presidential campaigns in recent memory.

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Finding Pride in a Safe Space

Brooklyn College introduces the LGBTQ Resource Center, a hub for the education and support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and/or questioning campus community members.

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Noted Educator and Former Knesset Member Anat Maor Named AICE Scholar

An author and expert on Israeli politics, Maor will teach two interdisciplinary courses and give public lectures for two consecutive semesters.

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Charles Thompson