November 2021

November 7: Assistant Professor Mariana Torrente was selected to give a short talk at the American Society for Cell Biology 2021 Doorstep Meeting: The Cell Biology of Neurodegeneration and Repair.

November 7: Brooklyn College undergraduate student Zahra Jamil (Torrente lab) is a recipient of the Belle Zeller Scholarship Award. Congrats Zahra!

November 7: Congrats to Muna Hugais (Torrente lab) for her first-author publication in Micropublication Biology. Co-authors from the Torrente Lab include doctoral students Samantha Cobos and Seth Bennett, undergraduate student Jailene Paredes and high school student Genevieve Foran.

October 2021

October 21: Congrats to Prof. Maria Contel on publishing ‘Self-Complementary Zwitterionic Peptides Direct Nanoparticle Assembly and Enable Enzymatic Selection of Endocytic Pathways’ in Advanced Materials. Prof. Contel contributed to work lead by Prof. Rein V. Ulijn from the ARSC of CUNY

October 19: New post in the BC Chemistry Career Blog: José Abraham Villegas, Bridge to the Faculty Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago New post in the BC Chemistry Career Blog: JFrom his work tracking down the sources of lead poisoning as an Environmental Risk Assessor for New York City to his research designing novel treatments for metal toxins, Dr. Villegas’ work considers the link between human health and environmental factors. Learn more about the science, and the life journey that has taken him across the country while he pursued it. Got questions? Post it in the comments.

October 8: The department is excited to announce a call for applications for student awards and scholarships, each due by November 5th. One of these, the Pollet Award, is a financial award made possible by a kind donation from Miriam Pollet that provides $1000 to support costs associated with attendance of scientific or mentorship-based conferences and meetings for graduate and undergraduate students, as well as matching $1000 funds from our department for research supplies to the sponsoring lab. We will also be awarding two Daniel Undergraduate Tuition Scholarships, which are $2,500 tuition reimbursement awards made possible from a donation from Dr. Timothy D. Daniel, for students in good academic standing with demonstrated financial aid. Students can get more information on the awards and apply for them at the links provided above.

October 7: Congratulations to Seth Bennett on his successful thesis defense! Seth was a PhD student in the Biochemistry PhD Program at the Graduate Center who carried out his work in the lab of Prof. Mariana Torrente here at Brooklyn College.

September 2021

September 9: New post in the BC Chemistry Career Blog: Cary Supalo, Research Developer Educational Testing Services. The world of science should be open to all, and researchers like Cary Supalo work to make that happen. Learn about his work in accessibility science, developing the standards and tools that make chemistry accessible to those with disabilities, and feel free to post any questions in the comments!

September 8: Congrats to Professor Laura J. Juszczak on publishing “Clock It: Solving the 2-D Chirality Problem with a 2-D Method – A Simple Algorithm for Teaching and Determining Enantiomers in General Chemistry” in Journal of Chemical Education.