May 2022

The Department of Chemistry mourns the loss of Dr. David Sahn, an alumnus of Brooklyn College who worked in pediatric cardiology and was a pioneer in medical research. Find more information on his remarkable life and achievements.

March 2022

Assistant Professor Mariana Torrente gives a talk at the American Chemical Society Spring 2022 Meeting.

Congrats to Ph.D. student Samantha Cobos (Torrente Lab) on receiving both the Pollet Award from the Chemistry Department and a Dissertation Year Award from the Graduate Center.

February 2022

The Chemistry Department congratulates doctoral student Javier Lopez-Hernandez (Contel Lab) who has been selected as an American Chemical Society Bridge Career & Professional Awards winner for Spring of 2022.

The Chemistry Department Awards Committee is soliciting nominations from undergraduate, masters and doctoral students for the Annual Chemistry Department Awards & Scholarships. The deadline for receipt of all Award/Scholarship applications is 11:59 pm on April 6, 2022. All students are eligible to apply, particularly those exhibiting excellence in their course work, research or service to the department. For Undergraduate and Master’s Students: The online application form can be found by clicking here. For Doctoral Students: Please contact Ann Garvin ( in the Scholarship Office for further information and details of the application process.

Congrats to PhD student Samantha Cobos (Torrente Lab) on her first author paper titled “Epidrugs in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/Frontotemporal Dementia: Contextualizing a Role for Histone Kinase Inhibition in Neurodegenerative Disease”. You can read about it in ACS Pharmacol. Transl. Sci.

January 2022

Assistant Professor Mariana Torrente was selected to give a short talk at the American Society for Cell Biology 2021 Doorstep Meeting: The Cell Biology of Neurodegeneration and Repair.

Brooklyn College undergraduate student Zahra Jamil (Torrente lab) is a recipient of the Belle Zeller Scholarship Award. Congrats Zahra!

Congrats to Muna Hugais (Torrente lab) for her first-author publication in Micropublication Biology. Co-authors from the Torrente Lab include doctoral students Samantha Cobos and Seth Bennett, undergraduate student Jailene Paredes and high school student Genevieve Foran.

Congrats to Prof. Maria Contel on publishing ‘Self-Complementary Zwitterionic Peptides Direct Nanoparticle Assembly and Enable Enzymatic Selection of Endocytic Pathways’ in Advanced Materials. Prof. Contel contributed to work lead by Prof. Rein V. Ulijn from the ARSC of CUNY.

New post in the BC Chemistry Career Blog: José Abraham Villegas, Bridge to the Faculty Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago. From his work tracking down the sources of lead poisoning as an Environmental Risk Assessor for New York City to his research designing novel treatments for metal toxins, Dr. Villegas’ work considers the link between human health and environmental factors. Learn more about the science, and the life journey that has taken him across the country while he pursued it. Got questions? Post it in the comments.