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Info For
If computing is your life and you would like to make it your livelihood, consider this: Brooklyn College’s Department of Computer and Information Science is one of the largest in metropolitan New York. Our full-time faculty consists of 25 professors, and our facilities and equipment are among the best in the city. On-campus computer hubs house more than 1,000 PCs and Macs for your use, and wireless internet connections are available at many locations. You’ll have your pick of opportunities in ever-evolving fields relevant to industrial or academic careers, such as robotics, software engineering, computing education, parallel and distributed computing, information systems, and bioinformatics. The department offers master’s degrees in computer science, health informatics, and information systems, and is an active participant in the PIMA-M.F.A. program.
Undergraduate Information Graduate Information Academic Calendar Advice Jobs and Internships CUNY Ph.D. Program
An important and vital part of the Computer and Information Science Department is our highly qualified faculty.
International student Megi Murati is grateful to pursue a dream her parents couldn’t.
Rivka Levitan talks about good and bad with AI tools.
Destiny Carter wants to transform the fundamentals of one of the most innovative sectors in tech.
Department of Computer and Information Science 2109 Ingersoll Hall Brooklyn College 2900 Bedford Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11210
E: P: 718.951.5657 F: 718.951.4842
Yedidyah Langsam
Consult a deputy chair for undergraduate program advice.
CLAS (Day) Deputy Chair Professor Ira Rudowsky
SGS (Evening) Deputy Chair Associate Professor Joseph Thurm
Consult the deputy chair for graduate program advice.
Graduate Deputy Chair Professor James L. Cox
Admissions Office
For information about your grade, you must use e-Grade or contact your professor. Sign up for e-Grade.
The CIS Department does not give overtallies. If you are closed out of a course, find another section or keep watching registration to see if someone drops the class.