
To find solutions for today’s challenges, you need a lively sense of what has been tried before.


In the Department of Classics, you will meet a diverse group of students who are eager to develop a critical eye and discover the roots, successes, and failures of the Greeks and Romans—pioneers in history, literature, philosophy, science, and technology.

You will work with a faculty of engaged teachers and accomplished scholars to hone your own ability to discern, design, persuade, instruct, and judge in areas as diverse as medicine, law, teaching, business, religious studies, and every profession where communication skills and critical engagement with text are crucial. You’ll even have the opportunity to master the ancient languages of Greek and Latin that still inform English vocabulary and can provide you a unique advantage in the sciences and liberal arts.

Classics Department Advising

Associate Professor Schur and Assistant Professor Sowers are both available for advising via e-mail or videoconference. For answers to your questions, or for an appointment, please email them.

Contact Information

Department Chair: Liv Yarrow
2408 Boylan Hall
P: 718.951.5191
F: 718.951.4765

Brooklyn. All in.