Academic Information


Program Finder


Course Finder

Course Offerings for Communication Majors

Course offerings are subject to change, depending on enrollment and staffing.

Every semester, the Core Communication classes are offered as follows:

Fall Semester Spring Semester
COMM 1000 Survey of Communication Studies
COMM 2000 Communication Theory
COMM 3000/ENGL 3196 Orality, Literacy & Computer Technology
COMM 3100/PSYC 3120 Cultural Psychology
COMM 3150W/TREM 2222W Communication Research
COMM 3200/PHIL 3315 Communication Ethics
COMM 3300/CASD 3235/TREM 3535 Communication Law & Policy
COMM 4000/COMM 4100 Communication Internship—Online
COMM 1000 Survey of Communication Studies
COMM 2000 Communication Theory
COMM 3000/ENGL 3196 Orality, Literacy & Computer Technology
COMM 3100/PSYC 3120 Cultural Psychology
COMM 3150W/TREM 2222W Communication Research
COMM 3200/PHIL 3315 Communication Ethics
COMM 3300/CASD 3235/TREM 3535 Communication Law & Policy
COMM 4000/COMM 4100 Communication Internship—Online

For courses in the concentrations (interpersonal and intercultural communication, professional and organizational communication, or visual and media studies), please see the respective departments for their scheduled course offerings.

Career Information

Career Opportunities

Internship Opportunities


What types of careers can be pursued by students who graduate with a bachelor’s degree in communication?

Communication majors can pursue a wide variety of careers (PDF).

How do I declare communication as my major?

Students can declare the communication major using e-services on the Brooklyn College WebCentral Portal.

Can students pursue a minor while majoring in communication?

Yes. Some minors that students have pursued include Africana studies, anthropology, business, film, marketing, political science, psychology, speech, and theater.

How can I register for a course that is closed?

Students must request an override from the professor of the course. If the professor grants the request, then the student can register for the course. If the request is denied, then the student must wait until the following semester to attempt to sign up. A student should not contact the director of the Communication Program for an override into a closed course.

I need help finding an internship. Where can I seek assistance?

The Magner Career Center is a valuable resource because its representatives assist students in connecting their college experience with a relevant internship and/or career opportunity. Students are entreated to become proactive in their internship and/or career planning by taking full advantage of the comprehensive list of career services (e.g., company visits, career panels) offered by the center. It’s never too early to start preparing for your internship and/or career. Students should make an appointment, as soon as possible, to meet with a Magner Career Center representative for assistance in formulating a solid internship plan. The representative will be able to help students narrow down a list of internship possibilities within the communication field.

Brooklyn. All in.