Black Faculty and Staff at Brooklyn College

Black Faculty and Staff at Brooklyn College (BFS@BC) is devoted to fostering a vision of academic success for all students—particularly students of African descent—through mentoring, building a collaborative community, providing financial support, and maintaining a visible presence on campus.

We have been a part of campus life since 1971 and our value for community is in the expressed interest to enable future leaders to transform all areas of social life: community, professional, and familial all in the spirit of service.

As a member organization, we are supported by the dues of current faculty and staff, and donations from our alumni. We endeavor to stay connected to our members and alumni and build a powerful network where Brooklyn College can always feel like you have a home and community that you can come back to. Please feel encouraged to join any meeting or event and use our contact information to share news and support!

Current Officers

Lawrence Johnson, Chair

Professor, Department of Sociology

Community is both a place and a feeling, belonging and comfort. For Black people, community is a place of being, restoring, and remaking to meet the absurd challenges of the world.

Irva Adams, Vice Chair (Staff)

Coordinator Women and Gender Studies

What community means to me? I love this quote by Maya Angelou: “We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color.”

Jean Eddy St. Paul, Vice Chair (Faculty)

Professor, Department of Sociology

Renèe Straker, TreAsurer

Assistant Director, Student Diversity Program

When I think of community, I think of persons, regardless of backgrounds, beliefs, or interests, coming together to either achieve a common goal or to have a unified response for a desired outcome.

Avril Chase, Secretary

Office of Finance and Administration

Community, like-minded people working together to achieve goals that benefit a greater good.

Contact Information

Chair: Lawrence Johnson
3501 James Hall

Brooklyn. All in.