Sex-Based Misconduct Complaint Form

Complete and submit this form to file a complaint involving sex-based misconduct or identity-based discrimination. This form will be sent to the Office of Diversity and Equity upon completion.

Brooklyn College has an obligation to provide a safe, nondiscriminatory environment for all students, employees, and visitors. As a result, depending on the nature of the allegations, the Office of Diversity and Equity has the discretion to continue the investigation even when the reporting party does not want the investigation to continue or no longer wants to participate in the investigation, and the discretion to share the information when necessary. While confidentiality cannot be absolutely guaranteed in all circumstances, we do our best to keep the information we receive as private as possible.

The CUNY Policy of Sex-Based Misconduct prohibits incidents of sex-based misconduct including sexual assault, sexual harassment, sex discrimination, gender-based harassment, stalking, voyeurism, domestic violence, and dating violence.

Brooklyn College and the City University of New York strictly prohibit retaliation against any individual for cooperating with an investigation.

Brooklyn. All in.