
The Office of Diversity and Equity develops and coordinates with offices to create programs, trainings, and events to combat bigotry and other biases in all their forms and continues to recognize and build on the strengths offered by our multicultural, multiracial, and multigenerational campus.

Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Training

As part of New York State’s Enough is Enough statute, all New York State colleges must provide ongoing education and training about sexual misconduct to their students and employees. To be in full compliance with this law, CUNY implemented the Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course (SPARC). This training also includes domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, and sexual violence. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

For Students

In compliance with the Campus SaVE Act and New York State Education Law Section 129B (Enough Is Enough), CUNY requires all new and transfer students, club/organization officers, study abroad participants, student athletes, and residential life occupants to take the training. Student athletes must complete SPARC annually to be eligible to play.

How to find the online training: The course is provided via CUNY Blackboard. Once you log into Blackboard, you will find Brooklyn College Student SPARC under the “My Organization” section.

Failure to complete the course will result in a hold on your account, impacting your ability to register and maintain your classes as well as conduct college business until the course is completed.

Questions or Issues

  • If you believe that you have already completed SPARC for the academic year but had a hold placed on your account, or if you need to complete SPARC but do not see it available on Blackboard, email Student Affairs.
  • If you are experiencing technical issues and require assistance accessing or viewing SPARC, contact the Help Desk at 718.951.4357 or via email

For Employees

New York State law requires employees to complete this training annually. Employees can complete the training either online or via a live training.

How to find the online training: The course is provided via CUNY Blackboard. Once you log into Blackboard, you will find Brooklyn College ESPARC under the “My Organization” section.

How to sign up for live training: The live training is presented by the Title IX coordinator and covers the same material as the ESPARC training.

Questions or Issues

Training Descriptions

Implicit Bias: The Keys to Creating Your Bias-Free Workplace

We all have a vision of our ideal workplace—an inclusive and equitable workplace free from bias, bullying, and harassment of any type. Creating a culture that values and demands a respectful workplace for all requires effective communication and training.

The purpose of this training is to minimize the negative influence of bias and assumptions, especially within the Brooklyn College community. The goal is for the participant to recognize and label negative behavior and thoughts and replace them with nonprejudicial responses.

Anti-Bullying Training

In this training, we examine different forms of bullying and identify those who are more likely to be bullies as well as those who are more likely to be victimized. We also discuss warning signs and how we can help others cope with bullying.

This presentation will address bullying and the disproportionate affect it can have on professors of color, and how to recognize, address, and prevent it from occurring. This training will be provided to all academic faculty and managerial personnel, beginning with deans, chairs, and program managers.

The Inclusive Workplace Training

The Inclusive Workplace Training equips employees to better work with others of diverse backgrounds. This training is designed to highlight CUNY policies that prohibit discrimination and promote equal opportunity. This training will be made available to all members of the academic departments, from the provost to college assistants.

Brooklyn. All in.