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Info For
The Brooklyn College Behavioral Education and Support Team (BEST) seeks to promote a civil campus environment and support students who may be in distress. Our work includes communication, collaboration, education, and prevention with respect to behaviors of concern while attempting to protect the privacy and the rights of the individuals involved. Two helpful resources available to faculty is the “Addressing Challenging Student Behavior” wallet card (PDF) and How to Identify, Assist, and Refer Students with Personal Problems and/or Disruptive Behavior. If you’d like to pick up a hard copy, feel free to stop by 2113 Boylan Hall or send an e-mail if you’d like it delivered to your office.
BEST is a collaborative committee chaired by the assistant dean of student life and is composed of representatives from the offices of the Associate Provost, Legal Services, Personal Counseling, Public Safety, and Student Affairs. Additional members of the campus community will be consulted as needed, including Disability Services, Diversity and Equity, and StudentOmbuds. The committee meets regularly to discuss students displaying behaviors of concern. BEST determines if any intervention is needed and who would be best to carry out the intervention, and monitors the intervention.
Students, staff, and faculty can refer students to BEST who may be in distress or in need of additional support by completing a Student Behavior Form (login required). Reports on challenging student behavior may also be made by e-mail or by phone (718.951.5352). Additionally, Security Incident Reports may be a source of reporting when it comes to concerning student behavior. Once a report is received, the team takes the following steps:
Campus community members are encouraged to refer students to BEST who may display concerning or challenging behavior. If you see something, say something!
Note: For safety concerns or urgent/threatening incidents, immediately contact the Office of Public Safety at 718.951.5511.
Students, staff, and faculty are often among the first to notice when a student is showing signs of distress (e.g., withdrawal, agitation, change in personal communication) or behaving in a disruptive or dangerous manner. Disruption of academic progress, personal relationships, and daily behavior may also be signs that a person needs help. In order to help maintain safety and civility on campus, BEST identifies, responds with, and monitors appropriate intervention when individual behavior causes concern to other members of the campus community.
Anything that worries you might prompt you to make a report. Examples include but are not limited to extreme rudeness, erratic or disruptive behavior, written work with troubling themes or references, and actions that cause an alarm or call into question the safety of the student or others. Contact BEST by e-mail or phone, 718.951.5352, to discuss the best course of action if you are not sure what to do.
To report a concern to BEST, complete a Student Behavior Form (login required). The form will require a narrative of the behavior of concern you have witnessed. You can also contact BEST by e-mail or phone, 718.951.5352, if you wish to discuss your concern prior to submitting a report.
A member of BEST may contact you if additional information is needed.
Once BEST receives a report, the team will attempt to gather more information from other students, staff, or faculty. A determination is then made as to the need for support services and/or additional interventions (e.g., disciplinary, medical withdrawal, etc.).
If something happens during nonbusiness hours, submit your concern via e-mail to BEST by e-mail or phone, 718.951.5352. In case of a safety issue, at any time, contact Public Safety immediately at 718.951.5511.
No. Students referred to BEST are offered support services. Accepting this support is not a condition of their enrollment.
No. Although the student may need counseling, a student may not accept the referral.