Help for Sexual Assault Survivors

Sexual assault survivors can get help on campus through Personal Counseling, 0203 James Hall, or the Women’s Center, 227 Ingersoll Hall Extension. We can also refer you to off-campus support services. Remember that even if the assault occurred in the past (including your childhood), you probably continue to suffer from its impact and can benefit from professional help. Many people who were assaulted or abused as children do not remember the actual events but do have a feeling that something was “wrong.” A special information sheet for adult survivors of child abuse is available in the Personal Counseling reception area.

If you believe you are being (or have been) sexually harassed, coerced, or threatened by a professor or anyone else at Brooklyn College or elsewhere, report it at once to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs or seek assistance from Personal Counseling or the Women’s Center.

You have the right to an education here that is free from intimidation and fear.

Resources at Brooklyn College

  • Campus and Community Safety Services—718.951.5511
  • Personal Counseling—718.951.5363
  • Student Affairs—718.951.5352
  • Women’s Center—718.951.5777

Off-campus Resources

  • 24-Hour Rape Report Line (female answered)—212.267.RAPE
  • Child Abuse Report Line (to report all suspected incest, other child abuse/neglect cases)—800.342.3720
  • New York Women Against Rape—212.777.4000
  • Special Victims Bureau Legal Services (Law Department)—718.575.4447
  • Victim Services Agency 24-hour Hotline—212.577.7777

Resources in Brooklyn

  • BRAVA (Brooklyn Rape Awareness and Victim Advocacy Project)—718.783.3708
  • Crime Victims Counseling Unit, Kings County District Attorney’s Office—210 Joralemon Street, 718.802.2712 (crisis intervention, short-term counseling, advocacy and court information for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence; referrals and publications)
  • People Against Sexual Abuse, Inc.—1012 Eighth Avenue, 718.834.9467 (aids those who have been sexually abused; conducts workshops on risk reduction for adults and youth; participates in the New York Police Department’s sensitivity training for patrol personnel; investigates existing services and groups; referrals, newsletter, and publications)
  • Women’s Survival Space—718.439.4612 (center for battered women and their children; services include a shelter; Brooklyn and Manhattan working women’s support group; 24-hour hotline; crisis intervention counseling; self-help groups; medical, legal, and welfare referral and advocacy; and special programs for children residing in the shelter)

Resources in Manhattan

  • City Coalition on Child Sexual Abuse, Inc.—212.949.4929 (sponsors forums on child sexual abuse; incest survivors’ groups and therapy; treatment of offenders; safety for children; and medical examination; referrals, newsletter, library, speakers bureau)
  • Rape Crisis Intervention Program, Mount Sinai Medical Center Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology—KP-2 1 Gustave Levy Place, 212.241.5461 (counseling and medical service for survivors of sexual assault (rape and incest) and their family and friends; volunteer advocates and trained staff provide support to people who report to the emergency room or who need to discuss past incidents; community outreach and public education with police, schools, tenant associations, and other community organizations)
  • Rape Crisis Intervention Program, Presbyterian Hospital Social Service Department—622 West 168 Street, 212.305.9060 (24-hour emergency room support to the survivors of sexual assault; a volunteer advocate or professional social worker stays with the woman, offers support and helps her begin to cope with the aftermath of the assault; follow-up counseling and medical care are arranged; membership available)
  • Rape Intervention Program/Crime Victim Assessment Project, St. Luke’s/Roosevelt Hospital Center—Amsterdam Avenue at West 114 Street, 212.870.1875 (immediate hospital emergency room care and crisis intervention to survivors of sexual assault; follow-up counseling; legal advocacy outreach and public education; training for professionals and paraprofessionals; referrals, membership, and library)
  • Sanctuary for Families, Inc.—212.582.2091 (shelter and support services to abused women and their children; individual and group counseling, legal, health and social service referrals, advocacy, support, and public education)
  • Sex Crimes Report Line, Sex Crimes Unit, Detective Bureau, New York City Police Department—1 Police Plaza, Room 1312, 212.732.7706 (phone staffed by female detectives for sex crime victims; takes police reports over the phone; conducts investigations and provides information and referrals)
  • Sexual Assault Victim Assistance Program, Bellevue Hospital Center, Victims of Violent Assault Program—First Avenue and East 27 Street, Room MW3, 212.561.3755 (emergency room medical treatment for female and male rape victims over 16; follow-up crisis and short-term counseling to individuals, families and couples; medical evaluation; information and referral; advocacy; training and public education; free follow-up services)
  • Support for Orthodox Victims of Rape and Incest—54 Nagle Avenue (dedicated to helping Orthodox Jewish women and their families overcome the trauma of rape and incest; short-term crisis counseling, public education, and referrals; membership)
  • Victim Services Agency—2 Lafayette Street, 212.577.7700; hotline: 212.577.7777 (court-based operations, a crime victims’ hotline; emergency assistance, referrals to shelters and safe homes, court information, and advocacy; staff in emergency rooms of four hospitals to assist victims of sexual violence; conducts the Domestic Violence Prevention Program in collaboration with New York Police Department)
  • Witness Aid Services Unit, New York County District Attorney’s Office—1 Hogan Place, 212.335.9000 (short- and long-term social services and therapeutic counseling for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault; necessary protection for victims; assistance in obtaining temporary and permanent housing and financial assistance)

Resources in Queens

  • Elmhurst Hospital, Borough Crisis Center—79-01 Broadway Elmhurst, 718.830.1958; emergency room: 718.830.1302
  • Queens District Attorney’s Office—718.520.5400
  • Queens Hospital Center—82-68 164th Street Jamaica, 718.883.3188; emergency room: 718.830.3090
  • St. John’s Episcopal—327 Beach 19 Street, Far Rockaway, 718.917.3000; emergency room: 718.917.3755
  • Transition Center—Far Rockaway, 718.520.8045 (free temporary shelter that provides a safe refuge to women and their children who have been the victim of physical abuse; individual and group counseling for women and children; child care services; psychological counseling and referrals)

Resources in the Bronx

Crime Victims Assistance Unit, Bronx District Attorney’s Office—215 East 161 Street, fourth floor, 212.590.2115 (crisis intervention; short-term counseling, advocacy and assistance to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence; referrals and publications)

Brooklyn. All in.