Admissions & Aid
Student Life
Info For
Sexual assault survivors can get help on campus through Personal Counseling, 0203 James Hall, or the Women’s Center, 227 Ingersoll Hall Extension. We can also refer you to off-campus support services. Remember that even if the assault occurred in the past (including your childhood), you probably continue to suffer from its impact and can benefit from professional help. Many people who were assaulted or abused as children do not remember the actual events but do have a feeling that something was “wrong.” A special information sheet for adult survivors of child abuse is available in the Personal Counseling reception area.
If you believe you are being (or have been) sexually harassed, coerced, or threatened by a professor or anyone else at Brooklyn College or elsewhere, report it at once to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs or seek assistance from Personal Counseling or the Women’s Center.
You have the right to an education here that is free from intimidation and fear.
Crime Victims Assistance Unit, Bronx District Attorney’s Office—215 East 161 Street, fourth floor, 212.590.2115 (crisis intervention; short-term counseling, advocacy and assistance to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence; referrals and publications)