USG and GSO Student Government Elections

Student government elections are held in the spring semester. Voting takes place on the Bulldog Connection. Students can vote from any device with Internet access.

Results of the Spring 2024 College-Wide Elections

Additional students who were write-in candidates during this past election period will be announced as they are contacted, qualifications reviewed, and certified to hold their respective nominated offices.

U.S.G. President & Vice President

Noam Abrahams (President)

Nitu Farhin (Vice President)


U.S.G. Student Senators

Yafa Abulawi

Muhammad Ali

Dana Babayev

Alleyah Charlton

Joshua Ebbin

Robert Echevarria

Haikeda Hilliman

Naomi Hymowitz

Taseen Islam

Moshe Janani

Abigail Khanis

Haritha Lakshmanan

Sofia Mariyamis

Gabriana Nieves

Cyle Paul

Ailyn Paz

Iman Siddiqui

Damir Shavkatov

Ajadah Simms

Melanie Tam

Carmine Tepedino

University Student Senate Delegates

Shannon Dyett

Malak Yafai

University Student Senate Alternates

Noam Abrahams

Madison Martinez


Undergraduate Student Disciplinarian

Shannon Dyett

Graduate Student Organization President

Jamie Jones


Graduate Student Organization Secretary

Carmen Artiles

Candidate Petitioning

Duly registered students in their division who meet the eligibility requirements may run for office.


Any Brooklyn College student or group may bring a referendum before the student body. A referendum is a proposal for changes to the Student Activity Fee that would be initiated by a petition of at least 10% of the appropriate student body and (usually) voted upon in conjunction with student government elections. The result of the referendum may then be carried out by the college administration.

Where the referendum seeks to affect the use or amount of the Student Activity Fee in the college purposes fund, the results of the referendum shall be sent to the board by the college president together with his or her recommendation.

College-Wide Election Review Committee (CWERC) 2024–25

  • Samantha Lee (Chair)—USG
  • Tema Barth (Vice Chair)—USG
  • Deja Martin—USG
  • Carmen Artilies—GSO
  • Charles Amerson – Staff/Faculty
  • Myles Bassell—Staff/Faculty
  • Sonia Lambert—Staff/Faculty
  • Erik Smiles—Staff/Faculty
  • Alexarae Worrell—Staff/Faculty

For more information, e-mail CWERC.

Brooklyn. All in.