
It is the mission of the Center for Student Disability Services (CSDS) to ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to all campus facilities, curricula, and activities. The program’s objective focuses on providing students with reasonable disability-related accommodations and the opportunity to maximize their academic success at Brooklyn College. The goal is to ensure an inclusive environment while maintaining and enhancing the college’s academic excellence by providing students with disabilities the opportunity to achieve their highest possible academic potential.

The center serves as the primary program for ensuring the successful integration of students with disabilities into the college community.

In order for a student to receive disability related academic adjustments:

  • A student must register with the CSDS and provide documentation. Note: Accommodations are not retroactive. Thus, students should register at the beginning of their first semester to receive the full benefit of the accommodation.
  • Ensure that your accommodations have been identified through an appointment with the CSDS.
  • Together with the student, the CSDS will identify appropriate academic adjustments.
  • Complete a (yellow) Accommodation Request Form at the beginning of each semester. This form will provide the information necessary for the testing coordinators to complete the Verification of Disability and Course Accommodation Forms.
  • Students should pick up their Verification of Disability and Course Accommodation Forms two business days after submitting the (yellow) request form.
  • The student is responsible for: (1) meeting with their professors to discuss accommodations; (2) submitting the Verification of Disabilities and Course Accommodations forms to the faculty member for their signature; and (3) ensuring that the signed form is returned to the center.

Requesting accommodations for exams:

  • Students are encouraged to complete a (blue) exam request form at the center or provide the information via email at least four business days prior to the exam date or as soon as they are aware of the exam date.
  • Students are advised to submit final exam requests two weeks before the date of your final exam.

Additional exam accommodation procedures are available to students in the CSDS.

Reasonable Accommodations: A Faculty Guide to Teaching Students with Disabilities (PDF)

Print and bring the completed Accommodations Request Form (PDF) to the CSDS.

Brooklyn. All in.