Admissions & Aid
Student Life
Info For
Accommodations can be utilized during a remote format. Some accommodations, however, may not be delivered the same way. It will therefore be important to email the center or Josephine Patterson to have your accommodations emailed to your professors.
Both of these services are provided for remote learning. Once you have registered with the center and these accommodations have been determined, submit your schedule to us via email. It is requested that you submit your schedule as soon as possible, as we coordinate with an outside vendor to deliver these services.
Most services remain available while working remotely, including intake interviews or general appointments, CUNY LEADS (a unique academic and career program providing guidance, assistance, and support with the job search, preparing a résumé, interview process, advice on disability disclosure, and other relevant areas of job preparation), Collaborative Autism Spectrum Program (CASP) assistive technology, referrals to the appropriate resources on campus, ADA Part-time Tap, and assistance with self-advocacy skills.
Call 718.951.5538 and leave a message, or send us an email. Documentation will be requested, and an interview will be conducted to determine your eligibility for services and appropriate accommodations.
Documentation should follow the documentation guidelines as outlined. Submitting supporting documentation is part of the registration process.
To ensure you receive accommodations for exams, email your professors and remind them of your exam accommodations once an exam is forthcoming. This information should have already been communicated by the center through email.
E-mail the center’s assistive technology coordinator, Sebastian Giordano.
Reach out to any of the specialists at the center (Nelmy Pichardo, Trivis Laurore, or Josephine Patterson) using the emails available on our website.
If you are interested in becoming part of the program, e-mail the CUNY LEADS adviser, Nelmy Pichardo, or the program’s job developer, Trivis Laurore.
Email Sebastian Giordano and you will be requested to give all the information about what type of book you are looking for. Note that it will take one to two weeks to process requests from publishers, if granted permission.