CUNY EDGE Advisement

CUNY EDGE provides students with the tools and resources needed to complete their undergraduate academic degree, including both associate and baccalaureate degrees. Advisement services cover a range of topics including academics, career exploration and skills development, and personal support, and foster a strong relationship between the advisor and CUNY EDGE student.

Why is advisement important?

  • Assists students to engage in the learning process
  • Develops critical thinking, decision-making, and learning skills
  • Fully immerses students in the college experience
  • Helps with course selection and many other academic decisions
  • Identifies appropriate student resource and supports

Services Offered

Advisement consists of, but is not limited to, the following services:

  • Assistance with HRA case compliance and documentation
  • Course selection and registration
  • Selecting a major
  • Professional and career development
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Accessing resources in the college community

Additional Assistance

We encourage CUNY EDGE students to also take advantage of advisers throughout the college.

Visit the Center for Academic Advisement and Student Success (CAASS) for details.

CUNY EDGE provides robust counseling that aims to most effectively help students progress in college, excel academically, and graduate on time. We believe academic, personal, and career planning support is the crux of the CUNY EDGE program. Building on the successes of CUNY’s Accelerated Study in Associate Program (ASAP) and the Graduation Success Initiative (GSI), our advisement helps CUNY EDGE students progress academically, grow personally, and advance professionally.

Students actively participate in the advising process by setting goals, identifying their own challenges, working to develop their own solutions, and growing as they work collaboratively with CUNY EDGE staff members.

During an initial advising session students can expect the following:

If you are a current or prospective CUNY EDGE student, you may contact us at 718.951.5067 to schedule an appointment. Jaclyn Hodge is our program adviser.

Brooklyn. All in.