HRA Fellowship Program

The HRA Fellowship Program provides paid work opportunities for eligible CUNY EDGE students.

About the HRA Fellowship

  • The HRA Fellowship Program provides paid work opportunities for eligible CUNY EDGE students.
  • The Fellowship Program supports CUNY EDGE students with meeting HRA compliance requirements while providing valuable work experience and income.
  • HRA determines eligibility and the number of hours per week the student will be assigned.
  • CUNY EDGE identifies and develops placement sites on campus and in the local community.
  • Students assigned to the HRA Fellowship Program are matched to work sites taking into consideration the student’s academic major, career interests, and skills.
  • Eligible students must complete a mandatory introductory orientation.

How to Apply

Interested students should begin the process by completing the School Letter Form (HRA 154).

Eligible students will be contacted with further details.

Brooklyn. All in.