Student Diversity Initiatives

Mission Statement

To enhance the environment of the college by offering diverse-related programs and services designed to foster unity and inclusivity among students. The office thrives as students expand their cross-cultural knowledge and understanding through cultural-based events and activities hosted and coordinated by student clubs, organizations, and the office.

Programs and Opportunities

  • Cultural Month Celebrations: Monthly social programs that celebrate and promote diversity and inclusion
  • The Brooklyn College Bulldogs United Student Retreat (see below)
  • “Bulldogs Power Hour” Group Sessions: Monthly, hour-long sessions that create the opportunity for all students to make new connections and engage in friendly, safe, and respectful dialogue on trending topics suggested by the students themselves.
  • Access to leadership and scholarship opportunities
  • Access to cultural, identity-based, spiritual and faith-based clubs

To get more information, visit or contact the office in 302 Student Center, 718.951.5712, or via email.

Bulldogs United Student Retreat

The Brooklyn College Bulldogs United Student Retreat is a two-and-a-half-day program providing students from various backgrounds the opportunity to engage in experiential learning in a fun, unique, and diverse setting.

Goals of the Retreat

  • Self-knowledge: understanding of one’s talents, values, and interests, especially as these relate to the student’s capacity to provide effective leadership
  • Leadership competence: the capacity to mobilize oneself and others to serve and to work collaboratively
  • Civic mindedness: to facilitate positive social change at the institution or in the community

Included in the Retreat

  • Transportation (to and from Brooklyn College)
  • All meals (dietary restrictions will be accommodated as best as possible)
  • Lodging (three nights at retreat’s location)
  • Social activities

Accommodations can be made for individuals with special needs.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Currently registered for classes
  • No student-conduct violations
  • Demonstrated school spirit and interest in leadership, community building, and intergroup collaboration required

How to Apply

Complete and submit the application form. Be sure to add your current résumé.

Selection Process

Qualified students will be scheduled for a brief interview with a member of the selection committee.

The selection committee consists of current students, staff, and Brooklyn College alumni.

Program Outline

  • TBA

Contact Information

302 Student Center
P: 718.591.5712

Brooklyn. All in.