Dear Brooklyn College Community,

Welcome back to those of you who were away during the spring break. While many of you were not on campus, we have been quite busy implementing the Facility Success Team’s 90 Day Challenge. Here are some highlights of what has been accomplished.

  • Six members of our team completed a bathroom survey that included an assessment of 1,690 fixtures (toilets, sinks, etc.), dispensers, and general conditions. Results are being compiled and will inform our strategy for making repairs.
  • Under the supervision of Billy Elfstrom our trades began work on the bathrooms in the WEB building computer lab. The women’s room had a makeover that included taking down the existing walls to the studs so fixtures could be firmly secured, tiling, and replacing faucets. Fixtures were repaired in the men’s room. After the spring semester ends, the men’s room will have its makeover and both bathrooms will be painted.
  • Other repairs included replacing the flooring in the Learning Center, refinishing several whiteboards in Whitehead Hall, and painting some classrooms.
  • Temporary plumbers, carpenters, and painters will be starting this week and additional materials for other projects were purchased. I will be sending another update at the end of the month. At that time, we will be about 30 days into our 90-day plan.

Respectfully yours,

Alan Gilbert
Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration