As we approach the 30-day mark of our 90-Day Facilities Challenge, I am writing to provide you with an update of what the Brooklyn College Facilities Success Team has accomplished.

During Spring Break, we finished analyzing the results of our bathroom survey. In our 236 bathrooms, we assessed 1,634 fixtures and general conditions (including broken and missing dispensers). We found 529 issues with fixtures and 228 issues with general conditions.

We organized the issues by building and started repairs in the three buildings with the most challenges: Boylan Hall, James Hall, and the library. Ingersoll Hall and Ingersoll Hall Extension are next on our list. We also reported Student Center issues to their team so they could get to work as well.

I am pleased to report that, 30 days into the challenge, we have repaired 56 percent of all fixtures and resolved 19 percent of the general condition issues. In James Hall and the library, we fixed 95 percent and 86 percent of the broken fixtures, respectively. Sometimes a part or supply was not available and we could not continue. Once we have the missing materials, our trades (plumbers, carpenters, etc.) will finalize the work.

Under the 90-Day Challenge, we are also addressing other critical conditions on campus, including: replacing broken ceiling tiles, painting, refinishing whiteboards, and assessing sidewalks around the campus perimeter. We will compile data about those conditions as well and share it with the campus community.

In addition to facilities work our campus team is managing, we have a number of capital projects that are managed either by DASNY or CUNY. We are working on updating the facilities website to provide details on the numerous capital projects occurring across Brooklyn College.

I want to highlight two projects that will start this summer. The first is the Whitehead Plaza renovation by the Library Café entrance, and the second is the Whitehead Hall window replacement project. Both projects will enhance the campus exterior, and the latter will make the building more energy efficient. I look forward to sharing more information with you about these and other capital projects.

Lastly, I want to let you know that Mark Gold and the ITS team is working on the “BC Fix-It” app. This app will enable us to receive and respond to real-time information about bathroom fixture problems so we can deploy our staff more effectively. I will describe this app and other new initiatives in future communications. I hope you are seeing and enjoying some of the results of the hard work of our staff in facilities. More to come!

Respectfully yours,

Alan Gilbert
Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration