Health and Nutrition Sciences

Get a holistic perspective on health and nutrition.

You believe that nothing is more important than good health, and you are committed to helping people maintain theirs in all contexts: locally, globally, geographically, culturally, socially, and emotionally. In the Department of Health and Nutrition Sciences, you can choose from a plethora of courses in numerous aspects of health and nutrition, from birth to old age. We provide a high-quality, multidisciplinary, critical perspective on community and public health, nutrition, exercise science, and thanatology. You will learn about health systems, health and nutrition policy and program development, social and natural components of health and disease, and health promotion. Your education will prepare you for rewarding careers in hospitals, community centers, public policy, private practice, and many other arenas.

Contact Information

Health and Nutrition Sciences

4123 Ingersoll Hall
P: 718.951.5026
F: 718.951.4670



Associate Professor Xinyin Jiang 
P: 718.951.5000 ext. 2738

Graduate Deputy—Health

M.A. in Community Health; M.S. Health Teacher

Associate Professor Enrique Pouget
P: 718.951.5000 ext. 2736

Graduate Deputy—Exercise Science

M.S. Sport Management (not accepting new students); M.S. Exercise Science and Rehabilitation (not accepting new students)

Associate Professor Raymond Leung
P: 718.951.5000 ext. 6717

Graduate Deputy—Nutrition

M.S. in Nutrition

Professor Kathleen Axen
P: 718.951.5000 ext. 5026

Undergraduate Deputy—Health

Associate Professor Tracy Wong
P: 718.951.5000 ext. 6287

Undergraduate Deputy—Nutrition; Director of the Didactic Program in Nutrition and Dietetics

Susan Jakuboski (M.S., R.D.N., C.D.N.)
P: 718.951.5000 ext. 6699

Undergraduate Deputy—Exercise Science

Lecturer/Doctoral Scholar Patricia Cai
P: 718.951.5000 ext. 6713

Director of Dietetic Internship

Associate Professor Roseanne Schnoll
P: 718.951.5000 ext. 2745

Office Hours

Mondays–Thursdays, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Fridays, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.


Brooklyn. All in.