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By examining the past, you understand the present and can create a better future.
Historians study humanity’s past successes and failures, eras of brilliance and times of darkness, enlightened civilizations, and devastating regimes—all of which help explain the present. And with a firm understanding of what preceded us, you can shape where we are headed. A bachelor’s degree in history means that you’ve learned which ideals, systems, and structures benefited humanity and which ones didn’t, and that can ease your entry into almost any field, such as government, education, and business. Our Department of History faculty will work closely with you to advise you on the myriad opportunities awaiting you.
Undergraduate Information Graduate Information Commemorating John Hope Franklin Alumni Spotlight
An important and vital part of the History Department is our highly qualified faculty.
You may email Professor KC Johnson for appointments by phone or videoconference.
Students should email Associate Professor Rawson for appointments.
A Brooklyn College Historical Society Publication
Read the Issue
Professor Carp explains why you should major in history.
Associate Professor Mancia talks about why you need to take history courses.
Professor Stern explains how a history major allows you to stretch your mind, ideas, and horizons.
Her book Sojourners, Sultans, and Slaves earns both the Bentley Book Prize and Lovejoy Book Prize for the best book in world history and global slavery.
"Starved for Light: The Long Shadow of Rickets and Vitamin D Deficiency" is the first comprehensive book on the subject.
Terrance Blackman Stroud ’98 wants to ensure greater social mobility for Brooklyn College students.
Starved for Light: The Long Shadow of Rickets and Vitamin D Deficiency—A Conversation With Author Christian Warren and Professor Kathleen Axen
For a Safe and Healthy World: Talk by a Nuclear-Bomb Survivor
History and the Courts
Department Chair: Steven Remy Undergraduate Deputy Chair: Graduate Deputy: Michael Rawson
1105 Boylan Hall P: 718.951.5303 F: 718.951.4504
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