The CUNY Haitian Studies Institute at Brooklyn College condemns the inhumane treatment of the Haitians at the Texas border. We demand that the Biden Administration immediately stops the deportations, treats the Haitian men, women, and children seeking refuge with dignity, and grants them humanitarian parole and an opportunity to apply for asylum. The Haitians at the border are seeking refuge away from Haiti, a country that has been devastated by recent political unrest and natural disasters. Once the source of wealth for colonial powers like Spain and France, and deemed the most profitable colony in the Americas, Haiti is today often labeled as the “poorest country in the Western Hemisphere”. Multiple factors have contributed to making Haiti socially, politically, and economically unlivable for most Haitians. Historically, Haiti and Haitians have been, and continue to be abused and pillaged by colonial and neo-colonial powers. Thus, Haitians alone did not create Haiti’s precarious conditions. These conditions have forced Haitians to risk their lives in search of better opportunities. The CUNY Haitian Studies Institute at Brooklyn College demands that the Biden Administration immediately stops the deportations, treats the Haitians seeking refuge with dignity, and grants them humanitarian parole and an opportunity to apply for asylum.

Deklarasyon sou move tretman Ayisyen sibi nan men otorite sou fontyè Tekzas

Enstiti Etid Ayisyen CUNY nan Bouklin Kolèj kondane move tretman Ayisyen sibi nan men otorite sou fontyè Tekzas. Nou mande pou Administrasyon Biden lan sispann depòte Ayisyen, sispann maltrete gason, fanm, ak timoun ayisyen k ap chèche refij, epi ba yo libète pwovizwa ak posiblite pou yo aplike pou azil. Ayisyen ki sou fontyè a ap chèche refij nan lòt peyi akoz move ajisman leta, poblèm politik ak dezas natirèl nan peyi pa yo. Te gen on epòk se sou do koloni yo richès grann pisans tankou Espay ak Lafrans te chita e yo te gade Ayiti tankou koloni ki pi pwofitab nan Amerik yo. Nan jounen jodi a yo tache etikèt “peyi ki pi pòv nan Emisfè Oksidantal la” nan lestomak Ayiti. Gen anpil rezon ki fè Ayiti envivab pou pifò pitit li yo. Kidonk se pa Ayisyen senpman ki responsab Ayiti tonbe nan malsite. Depi tan lontan Ayiti ak Ayisyen ap soufri anba bòt pouvwa kolonyal ak pouvwa neyo-kolonyal yo. Kondisyon sa yo fòse Ayisyen riske lavi yo pou y al chache mwayen pou yo viv ak pou yo elve pitit yo. Enstiti Etid Ayisyen CUNY nan Bouklin Kolèj mande pou Administrasyon Biden lan sispann depòte Ayisyen prese prese, se pou yo respekte diyite Ayisyen k ap chèche refij yo, epi ba yo libète pwovizwa ak posiblite pou yo aplike pou azil