Academic Advising

The mission of the Advising Office is to assist undergraduate and graduate students in satisfying their graduation requirements and developing their career goals. We seek to attain this through respect and personalized attention in a nurturing, learning environment. We offer discipline-focused advisement and help to enhance students’ critical thinking, effective communication, and ethical decision-making. We partner with the Murray Koppelman School of Business faculty and administration to render a coordinated and comprehensive approach to student advisement. Our ultimate goal is to support students as they prepare to compete in a competitive, global job market.

Christina Fung, Senior Adviser

Adviser for the following undergraduate degrees:

  • B.B.A. Accounting
  • B.A. Economics
  • B.S. Public Accounting and Business Management
  • B.S. Public Accounting and Finance

Adviser for the following graduate degrees and options:

  • M.S. Accounting
  • M.S. Business Administration—Accounting
  • M.S. Business Administration—Business Intelligence and Data Analysis
  • M.S. Business Administration—Economic Analysis

Adviser for the following minors:

  • Accounting
  • Economics

Adviser for the following certificates:

  • Certificate of Achievement in Accounting
  • Certificate Program in Accounting (Nonprofit Fiscal Management)

Office Hours—By Appointment Only

Mondays–Thursdays, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Fridays, 9 a.m.–noon

217 Whitehead Hall
E: (accounting majors)
E: (economics majors)
P: 718.951.5136 (Select option 1 for accounting advising or option 2 for economics advising.)

M.S. Option 5 students can select either phone or email option.

Zina Sharperson, Senior Adviser

Adviser for the following B.B.A. majors/concentrations:

  • Business Economics
  • Business for Health Professions
  • Business Law and Real Estate
  • Consumer and Organizational Behavior
  • E-Business
  • Finance
  • International Business
  • Leadership and Human Resource Management
  • Management
  • Marketing

Adviser for the following B.S. degree:

  • Business Management

Adviser for the following graduate degree options:

  • M.S. Business Administration—General Business
  • M.S. Business Administration—Global Business

Adviser for the following minors:

  • Business Law
  • Finance
  • Financial Planning
  • Marketing
  • Small Business Management and Urban Entrepreneurship

Office Hours

Mondays–Thursdays, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Fridays, 9 a.m.–noon

218 Whitehead Hall
E: (business majors)
E: (finance majors)
P: 718.951.5136 (Select option 3 for all advising except finance; select option 4 for finance advising.)

Schedule an Appointment

To schedule an appointment, log onto the Brooklyn College WebCentral Portal, go to the E-Services tab, and click on “SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT.” When you see the “Department Advisement Tool E- Signup (DATE)” link, click on it, then choose “Dean, School of Business.” The next screen will allow you to “SELECT TYPE OF ADVISEMENT” as well as an available time slot.


How can I declare or switch my major?

Most majors can be declared via the WebCentral Portal. If your major is not listed there, visit the School of Business Advising Office for approval.

How and where do I file for graduation?

You can file for graduation by logging into your CUNYfirst account. Once logged in, click on “Self-service,” followed by “Student Center.” Under academics, select “Apply for Graduation” and then follow the instructions.

How can I withdraw from a course?

All students are encouraged to discuss withdrawing with an academic adviser. Withdrawals can be processed online via the WebCentral Portal or in person in the Enrollment Services Center.

How do I register for courses using CUNYfirst?

Log into your CUNYfirst account. Click on “Self-service,” then “Student Center,” then “Search.” This will allow you to browse the entire course catalog. Design your schedule of courses as you see fit, and make note of the five-digit class numbers. Return to the Student Center page and select “Enroll.” Here you will be able to enter the five-digit class numbers into your shopping cart. Click on “Proceed to step 2 of 3.” Confirm that all the classes in your shopping cart are correct and select “Finish Enrolling.”

Can you tell me what courses I should be taking?

Absolutely! Guiding student in what courses to take is one of our favorite jobs.

What are the available majors and minors in the Murray Koppelman School of Business? What degree will I receive?


  • Accounting, B.S.
  • Accounting—Internal Accounting, B.S.
  • Business Administration, B.B.A.
  • Business Management, B.S.
  • Economics, B.A.
  • Finance, B.B.A.
  • Information Systems, B.S.
  • Public Accounting and Business Management, B.S.


  • Business Law, Minor
  • Corporate Social Responsibility, Minor
  • Economics, Minor
  • Finance, Minor
  • Financial Planning, Minor
  • Marketing, Minor
  • Organizational Behavior, Minor
  • Small Business Management and Urban Entrepreneurship, Minor

Is this where I come to for departmental permission?

Yes, we can grant you departmental permission here.

Is this where I come to register for courses?

No. We can help you determine what courses you should take, but you can register on your own via CUNYfirst.

Is this where I come for an overtally into a class?

No, we do not grant overtallies. To gain an overtally, you must receive permission from the department chair.

Can you help me determine what Core classes I have remaining?

Yes, but generally for any non-business advising you should see the Center for Academic Advisement and Student Success in 3207 Boylan Hall.

I am a transfer student. Can you determine what classes will transfer and what classes I will still need to take?

No. All transfer evaluations must be done by the department chair. We will do our best to help you take the correct course.

What are the criteria to enter the Murray Koppelman School of Business?

You may enter the school just by declaring a major.

I am trying to register for a class for which I am currently taking or will be taking the prerequisite. Can you help me get permission for that class?

Yes. If you are or will be taking a prerequisite before the semester you are trying to register for, we can grant you permission.

How does an internship affect my course load?

An internship acts as a regular three-credit course. The registration code is BUSN 5100 or BUSN 5101. Contact information for your internship supervisor must be provided before the internship can be approved by your department chair.

If I received a C- (or worse) in a course for my major, do I have to retake that course?

If you are an accounting major and received a grade of C- or lower in an accounting class, then you must retake the course. For any other major, you have to keep your overall GPA at or about a C.

Can I withdraw from courses after the deadline date? If yes, where and how?

Yes, by filing a student petition with the Office of Academic Standing, 3219 Boylan Hall.

How many concentrations/minors can I declare?

You can declare one concentration and as many minors as you would like.

What is the required GPA for each major?

You must maintain a 2.00 GPA to be in the Murray Koppelman School of Business.

Is it possible for me to take a course at another institution to fulfill a degree requirement?

Yes. Taking courses at another CUNY institution is acceptable, but you must file a CUNY e-permit application. If you wish to take courses at an institution outside of CUNY, you must file a non-CUNY permit. For more information, as well as to return a completed application, you must visit the Office of the Registrar, 306 West Quad Center. Feel free to contact the Office of the Registrar at 718.951.5441 if you have inquiries about obtaining an e-permit or non-CUNY permit.

Brooklyn. All in.