Junior Ariana Noka

Ariana Noka, a junior and business administration major, won a Magner Career Center Internship Stipend, which allowed her to work during the spring and through the summer at the Arab African American Women’s Leadership Council, a United Nations–affiliated nongovernmental organization.

“This internship has allowed me to further the next steps of my academic career by introducing me to areas of interest I would never have thought of,” says Noka, who is considering becoming a financial analyst or possibly going into business law.

The stipend pays undergraduates or graduate students $1,000 to $5,000, and was designed to help them take nonpaying, off-campus internships or other volunteer opportunities that they would otherwise not have been able to afford. The award was established in 2004 with a gift from Marge Magner ’69, and has provided funds for an average of 77 students per year for the past three years.

Noka got to help organize International Women’s Month activities, for which she met with consulate officials, planned a fashion show, and participated in many conferences, seminars, and workshops on issues involving women’s empowerment.

“Simply being in the United Nations every day made me feel like I was accomplishing something golden,” she says.