Placement Foreign Language Courses

Students may begin study of a language at Brooklyn College or may continue foreign language study begun in high school. Students who are fluent in a given language usually register for advanced courses in that language. These students may register for levels 1, 2, 3, or intermediate conversation (2012) only with the permission of a department counselor.

Guidelines for Beginning Students

Students who want to begin study of a foreign language at Brooklyn College should follow these guidelines for registration.

  • Most basic language courses are listed with numbers beginning with “10” (e.g., 1010, 1015, 1020, etc). Beginning Latin, however, is numbered 2101, and beginning Greek is 2001. Language courses form sequences in which each course is the prerequisite of the next.
  • For specific information on course content and prerequisites, students should consult individual course listings in the Brooklyn College Bulletin.

Guidelines for Continuing Students

Students who want to continue foreign language study begun in high school should follow these guidelines for registration.

  • Students who have completed four years or more of foreign language study and have passed the Regents Level 3 examination in the language should consult a department counselor to determine proper placement.
  • Students who have completed fewer than four years of foreign language study but have passed the Regents Level 3 examination in the language should register for course 2020 (pending approval of this course). If there has been a lapse of time since completing high school work, the student should consult a department counselor.
  • Students who have completed three years or less of foreign language study but have not passed the Regents Level 3 examination in the language are advised to consult a department counselor about placement before registration.
  • Students with two years of high school language experience usually enroll in Level 2, and students with three years of high school language experience usually enroll in Level 3.
  • Students who have completed one year of language study or less in high school normally enroll in Level 1 at Brooklyn College.

Any questions regarding placement should be directed to the department office, 718.951.5000 ext. 5451.

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