Brooklyn College Events Protocol

I. Introduction

This Events Protocol is designed to ensure a welcoming, safe, and inclusive educational environment that supports academic and social activities at Brooklyn College. It protects individuals’ rights to express themselves and to be free from harassment and discrimination, and it preserves the continuity of the college’s core operations and the importance of its vital mission.

Brooklyn College is deeply committed to the First Amendment. The open and free exchange of ideas is critical to the vitality of any academic community. The college respects and protects the ability of individuals to exercise their right to free expression. Individuals and groups may hand out leaflets on campus, for example, so long as they do not disrupt the educational environment.

Free expression may not violate the civil rights of others. Individuals or groups may not harass, discriminate against, physically abuse, menace, or block a person or group of people from any part of the campus. The Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Public Order Pursuant to 129-A of the Educational Law (“Henderson Rules”) indicate:

Each member of the academic community or an invited guest has the right to advocate his position without having to fear abuse, physical, verbal, or otherwise, from others supporting conflicting points of view. Members of the academic community and other persons on the college grounds shall not use language or take actions reasonably likely to provoke or encourage physical violence by demonstrators, those demonstrated against, or spectators.

II. Generally Applicable: Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions

  • Lawful Directives: Under the Henderson rules, “Individuals are liable for failure to comply with lawful directions issued by representatives of the University/college when they are acting in their official capacities.”
  • Identification: Under the Henderson Rules, individuals “are required to show their identification cards when requested to do so” by a representative of the college acting in their official capacity.
  • Campus Access: Entrance to campus is only authorized through staffed public gates. The campus is open on weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. On weekends, it is open from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Outside of those hours, most campus gates are locked, and entry is restricted. Overnight events at the college are prohibited. When the campus is open, it is accessible to individuals with a valid Brooklyn College or CUNY ID and visitors with a valid personal photo ID and a legitimate business or educational purpose on campus. Visitors must sign in at the gate and obtain a visitor’s pass.
  • Noise: Noise must not disturb classes or other educational activities. To protect the educational environment, the use of sound amplification devices is not permitted on campus unless a group obtains explicit permission. Outdoor events involving music or amplification will usually be restricted to the West Quad. If a representative of the college, acting in their official capacity, directs an individual or a group of individuals to lower their volume to preserve campus operations, the individual or group must comply.
  • Structures and Equipment: Temporary, semi-permanent, or permanent structures—such as stages, booths, canopies, tents, bouncy houses or other party rentals, or any constructions—are prohibited unless an organization obtains explicit permission. No outside equipment may be brought on the quads without prior approval. No unattended placards, banners, or other signs, unless they are affixed securely to a location that has been approved for posting.
  • Fire and Safety Codes, Open Flames: Open flames and flammable equipment or materials are prohibited on campus unless an organization obtains explicit permission. Equipment and materials brought onto the premises must be compliant with applicable fire and safety codes, the rules and regulations of New York City and New York State, and the standards and permits established by the New York City Fire Department.
  • Egress: Individuals may not block or interfere with halls, entrances, or the free flow of pedestrian, vehicular, bicycle, or other traffic. If a representative of the college, acting in their official capacity, directs an individual of a group of individuals to relocate to enhance egress, the individual or group must comply.
  • Safety: Individuals may not destroy, occupy, or damage college property, including but not limited to the use of graffiti, stickers, or any other forms of vandalism. Unauthorized markings or attachments to college property are prohibited. Guns, knives, sharp objects, batons, torches, and anything else that may be used as a weapon are prohibited on campus. Signs and posters must be made of cardboard, foam, or other flexible material. No one on campus may incite imminent lawless action. If a representative of the college, acting in their official capacity, directs an individual or a group of individuals to relinquish contraband, such as that referenced above, or to disburse to protect the safety of others, the individual of group must comply.
  • Off Campus: The public property outside or adjacent to the campus of Brooklyn College is governed by local, state, and federal law. The New York City Police Department has jurisdiction over incidents that are off campus.

III. Event Authorization Criteria

“Events” refers to activities on campus such as public gatherings, lectures, vigils, social occasions, demonstrations, tabling, concerts, rallies, public celebrations, and ceremonies. Event authorization depends on an assessment of the following content-neutral and viewpoint-neutral criteria:

  • Time: Events must be held during hours that minimize disruption to classes and other normal campus operations.
  • Location: Events must be held in locations that minimize disruption to classes and other normal campus operations, and adequate and appropriate space must be available.
  • Security: Adequate and appropriate security measures must be feasible based on the expected size and nature of the event.
  • Impact on College Operations: Events may not impede or disrupt regular college operations, undermine the educational environment, or compromise the safety and security of individuals or groups in the college community or event attendees.
  • Egress: Events must offer unrestricted egress for those who choose not to participate in or engage with the event.
  • Additional Factors: Factors such as procurement, the availability of external vendors or speakers, the availability of space(s) requested, and compliance with local, state, and federal regulations may also affect event approval. Delays in these processes may impact scheduling and available resources.

IV. Approval Process

The college uses the following processes to approve events on campus.

  • Scheduled Events: The college may impose reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on scheduled events.
    • Registered student groups seeking to host scheduled events must submit an Event Request Form in Bulldog Connection two to five weeks in advance, depending on circumstances, and obtain approval through the process outlined in the Student Club Handbook, which includes communication with the Office of Student Affairs (“Student Affairs”), coordination meetings, and safety reviews with the Office of Campus and Community Safety Services (“Public Safety”).
    • Faculty, staff, and external parties seeking to host ticketed or reserved events in the Leonard & Claire Tow Center for the Performing Arts must submit a Space Inquiry Form. For other spaces on campus, staff, faculty, and external parties must submit a Brooklyn College Auxiliary Services Event Questionnaire. Ticketed or reserved requests for space must be submitted eight weeks in advance. Non-ticketed events must be submitted five weeks in advance. Due to the limited availability of high demand spaces on campus, it is recommended that requests be submitted as early as possible. Staff and faculty seeking to host an event in a classroom should contact the Office of the Registrar scheduling team via email.
  • Unscheduled events: The college may impose reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on unscheduled events, and scheduled events will take priority over unscheduled events.
    • Registered student groups hosting unscheduled events must promptly notify Student Activities, Involvement and Leadership (SAIL) at 718.951.5712 or via email. Groups of unaffiliated students engaging in an unscheduled event should notify SAIL as well. Staff or faculty hosting unscheduled events in high-demand areas should promptly notify Public Safety at 718.951.5511. External third parties may not host unscheduled events.

V. Financial Responsibility

Event organizers must work closely with Student Affairs, the Tow Center, or Auxiliary Services, as appropriate, during the planning phase of their events and must ensure that their budgets cover anticipated costs for their events prior to approval. This financial responsibility extends to compliance with local, state, and federal regulations.

Vi. Compliance and Enforcement

It is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization leaders or event organizers to educate participants about this policy and other applicable college policies and to report disorderly conduct to Public Safety.

Violations of this Events Protocol may be grounds for student disciplinary or employee contractual actions against organizers or participants, as appropriate. Failure to adhere to this protocol may result in the prohibition or cessation of an event and restrictions on a group’s future activities on campus.

Brooklyn. All in.