Preparing for Med School and More

Recommended Courses

Suggested Timeline (PDF)

Entrance Exam Information

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I major in?

Students interested in pre-health programs may select any major, as long as they complete the prerequisite courses for their desired pre-health program.

What other activities should I be involved in?

Contact hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and health organizations in your area to learn more about the volunteer services, research opportunities, and internship opportunities offered to students. Contact professors or other faculty members to get involved with research on campus. Get involved with student organizations on campus, such as health-related student groups and other student groups that meet your interests.

How many medical schools should I apply to?

Because admission to U.S. medical schools is so competitive, it is important that pre-med applicants face reality and apply to both M.D.-granting (allopathic) medical schools as well as D.O.-granting (osteopathic) medical schools. In Brooklyn College, most pre-meds apply to an average of 25 allopathic medical schools and five osteopathic medical schools.

How many letters of recommendation should I get? Who should I ask to get letters of recommendation?

Pre-med applicants should endeavor to obtain four to six letters. We suggest you request letters from a range of recommenders, including two science professors, one non-science professor, one faculty person from your major, and one physician. Applicants should only ask potential recommenders who know them well.

What are competitive grades/scores to gain admission into medical school?

It is important for the pre-med student to recognize that admission to a U.S. medical school is extremely competitive. Therefore, it is essential that the student strive to obtain the highest grades possible in all courses, but especially in the courses that are pre-med requirements. In order to be a competitive applicant to an allopathic medical school, an overall GPA of at least 3.50 and a science GPA of at least 3.50 are usually required; minimum MCAT scores should be at least the following: Total, 509; Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems, 127; Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills, 126; Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems, 127; and Psychological. Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior, 127. In order to be a competitive applicant to an osteopathic medical school, an overall GPA of at least 3.40 and a science GPA of at least 3.30 are usually required. The respective minimum MCAT scores should be the following: 505, 126, 125, 126, 126.

Should I take courses over the summer?

Pre-med students should try to avoid taking any science classes during the summer or at another school.

Brooklyn. All in.